ES_NYA_ROA 072001 0820 — Page 1 of 1
Return this form and any other required documents to:
New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program
P.O. Box 55498
Boston, MA 02205-5498
Fax #: 617.559.8916
For overnight delivery or registered mail, send to:
New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program
95 Wells Avenue, Suite 155
Newton, MA 02459
– XX
Advisor-Guided Plan Account Number
Name of Account Owner (rst, middle initial, last)
The account information listed below meets the eligibility requirements for Rights of Accumulation as outlined in the Disclosure Booklet.
CUSIP, Symbol, or Fund Number
of your A, B, or C Units or Shares
Name of Firm where Units or Shares are Held Account Number of J.P. Morgan Funds Current Market Value ($)
Valuation Date (mm/dd/yyy) Total Value of Eligible Holdings
Note: To list more than ve accounts, use a separate sheet.
This form may be signed by the Account Owner, Financial Professional, or Agent.
By signing below, I hereby certify that I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Disclosure Booklet. I understand that the
Advisor-Guided Plan may from time to time amend the Disclosure Booklet, and I agree I will be subject to the terms of those amendments. I
afrm that the information provided on this form is true and accurate in all material respects. I also agree that the information listed above
will replace any existing Rights of Accumulation information associated with my Advisor-Guided Plan Account(s).
Signature of Account Owner, Financial Professional, or Agent Printed Name
• Complete this form to reduce the sales charges associated with the purchase of Class A Units in your New York’s Advisor-Guided College
Savings Program (“Advisor-Guided Plan” or “the Plan”) Account by aggregating your investments held with J.P. Morgan Funds and the
Advisor-Guided Plan. Please refer to the New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program Disclosure Booklet and Tuition Savings
Agreement (“Disclosure Book-let”) for more details.
• The information provided on this form will replace any existing Rights of Accumulation (ROA) information currently associated with your Account(s).
• This form must be received with a contribution check, or provided at least five (5) business days prior to a contribution for which the ROA
total value will be applied.
• Incomplete information may cause your request to be delayed or rejected.
New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program
Rights of Accumulation Form
529-F-ROA 0720