The City of Galena, Kansas
1. Applicant Name:
2. Applicant’s Address & Phone Number:
3. Address (if applicable) and a legal descripon of the locaon(s) where a rezoning is
See aached exhibit _________ (Check if applicable)
4. Rezoning requested. The nature of the rezoning sought is to rezone this real estate from
________ zoning to _______ zoning.
5. The purpose of the rezoning request is as follows: (Describe the reasons a rez
oning is
sought, the type of use for which you currently use and plan to use the property sought to
be rezoned.)
6. The new use is expected to commence: (State a meline as accurately as possible.)
Fees. The fee for a rezoning applicaon is $250.00 and must be paid at the me of the applicaon.
This fee assists the City of Galena in paying publicaon and other related costs. At least 20 days must
run from the date of the first publicaon of noce by the City in the official city newspaper before a
hearing by the Planning Commission is legally permied to be held. The hearing will be set as soon as
is reasonably possible aer the expiraon of this 20 day period aer consideraon of the availability
of the Planning Commission to meet on a parcular date. Usually, hearing are held on Mondays at
6:00 p.m., however, this date can be changed. The City will nofy the applicant at the address or
phone number above of the hearing date once it is established.
City of Galena, Kansas 211 W 7th Street, Galena, KS 66739 Phone: (620) 783-5265 FAX: (620) 783-5111