Office of Financial Aid Main (810) 762-3444
277 University Pavilion Fax (810) 766-6757
303 E. Kearsley Street umflint.edu/financialaid
Flint, Michigan 48502-1950 financialaidflint@umich.edu
2020 Spring Summer
Revision Request
Name:_________________________________________________ UMID:_______________________
My enrollment plans have changed. I will be enrolled in the following number of credit hours:
Spring Semester _________
Summer Semester _________
Semester □ Spring/Summer □ Spring only □ Summer only
Reason □ Reduce Loan □ Increase Loan □ Return Loan Money
□ Grade Level Change □ Decline Work Study □ Decline Loan (s) offered
Please explain the action you want Financial Aid to take (indicate the semester and reason above):
Scholarship/Resource(s) Spring Amount Summer Amount
Signature:___________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Federal Direct Loan Change
Enrollment Change
Important Information: Enrollment Requirements Federal Direct Loan and Federal Pell Grant
Additional Aid Received From Other Sources
Federal Direct Loans require enrollment in a minimum of 6 credit hours for undergraduate students and a
minimum of 4 credit hours for graduate students between the spring & summer enrollment period.
Eligibility for the additional Spring/Summer Federal Pell Grant is based on continued enrollment in a
minimum of 6 credits between the Spring/Summer Session(s). If your enrollment falls below 6 credits
between Spring/Summer, your Federal Pell Grant will be cancelled for BOTH sessions.