10. Student is able to a) use relevant skills in gathering and interpreting data from a
variety of sources to develop a consumer driven assessment and plan. b utilize a
strength based perspective & recovery model, c) utilize multiple resources, including
community-based resources and natural supports, in developing consumer and family
driven assessment and plans. d) utilize knowledge of major theories, models and
treatment interventions relating to behavioral health conditions in developing
strategic and client driven assessments and plans.
a. Completes critical analysis of assessment data and consumer capacities in developing a
multidimensional behavioral health assessment, diagnosis and plan which reflects a
consumer-driven perspective (i.e., mutually agreed upon service goals) and principles of
recovery, including the impacts on individuals, families, and communities of trauma.
b. Completes critical analysis of assessment data and consumer capacities in developing a
multidimensional behavioral health assessment, diagnosis and plan which reflects a
consumer-driven perspective (i.e., mutually agreed upon service goals) and principles of
recovery, including the impacts on individuals, families, and communities of co-occurring
(mental disorder and substance abuse) behavioral health conditions.
c. Completes critical analysis of assessment data and consumer capacities in developing a
multidimensional behavioral health assessment, diagnosis and plan which reflects a
consumer-driven perspective (i.e., mutually agreed upon service goals) and principles of
recovery, including the impacts on individuals, families, and communities of adverse
health conditions.
d. Able to diagnose the major mental health disorders using the DSM IV or other currently
accepted diagnostic tools, and can identify the challenges and limitations of diagnosis in
relationship to diverse racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, cultural and lifestyle factors.
a. Student engages the individual and his/her family in the development of a consumer-
driven assessment, treatment and discharge plan, and revises treatment plans as needed.
a. Demonstrates understanding of issues related to the use of medication, and psychiatric
consultation in social work practice and in supervision.
b. Supervision discussion demonstrates student applies knowledge of efficacy of treatment
models (i.e., evidence-based, practice wisdom) in development of multidimensional
treatment plans
a. Demonstrates understanding of the roles of consumers, family members, practitioners,
the agency and the community, in shaping policy and in the development and
implementation of relevant behavioral health services.