Essay Questions
Please respond to both of the following questions. Each response should be 500 words or less.
1. Why are you interested in this program? What are your mathematical interests?
2. What is the deepest, most exciting, or most interesting mathematical result or application
that you’ve ever learned about? What do you find c
ompelling about it?
Application checklist:
1. Application form
2. Answers to essay questions (please answer both)
3. Reference letter (sent directly from your reference)
4. Transcripts (unofficial are fine)
All of the required materials
should be e-mailed
Prof. Sergei Fomin
filling out your application form, scan it and save it as a pdf. Your reference letter should be
sent directly from the person recommending you.
If e-mail is not possible for any of the items mentioned above, please have those materials mailed to:
Prof. Sergei Fomin
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
California State University, Chico
Chico CA 95929-0525
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