May 2018 Version
IA Accounting Operations Division
Return of Funds
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Please use this form for Return of Funds originating from an Accounts Payable or ASAP Payment Transactions
Deposit Ticket:
12220 Sunrise Valley Dr,
Reston VA 20191
PO #:
Line item on PO:
If PO is closed/De-obligated, provide the accounting string below.
G/L account
WBS (if
Amount to apply to accounting
Cost Center
Functional Area
Signature of authorized Personal: ___________________________________
Date: ____________________
Phone: ___________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Accounts Receivable Processing for ASAP Return of Funds
Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) is the mechanism for Recipients to
receive funds from Federal Agencies and to return Funds from either a Grant or Cooperative
There are multiple scenarios that require the return of funds to the Agency, however the most
common are:
Over-obligated funds to an award line.
The obligated award contained an incorrect line of accounting such as an incorrect
cost/fund center, incorrect functional area, or the ASAP ID tied to a vendor code in SAP
that belongs to another recipient.
The recipient drew down too much funding or received “double funds” from one award
line as a result of a manual payment.
The three methods listed below facilitate the return of funds from a Recipient.
1. Returning Funds via the Treasury ASAP System (preferred method; refer to most
common scenarios above).
Please contact Jo Ann Metcalfe at 703-390-6410 or jo.metcalfe@bia.gov.
Funds are available to the Recipient in the ASAP system for future draw downs.
***Grant funds received prior to February 2013 were not dispersed via ASAP cannot be returned
via the ASAP process***
Refer to #2 below in order to return Grant Funds prior to February 2013.
2. Check/Remittance mailed to Accounts Receivable (AR) in Reston, Virginia.
When a Bill of Collection is issued or Grant Funds were disbursed prior to February
2013; the funds are mailed to:
Collection Officer- Reston, VA.
12220 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20191
3. When a Bill of Collection is issued; Recipient may returns funds via Pay.gov.
BIA-OFM Administrative Debts
Any ASAP remittances received in Reston, VA or via Pay.gov are reviewed and a determination
is made to process the return of funds via the Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable
module in FBMS.
Return of ASAP funds is processed by Accounts Receivable:
Bill of Collection is submitted with check/remittance.
Return of ASAP funds is processed by Accounts Payable:
Schedule of Collection references the Contact number or Legacy number (prior to Feb
A Bill of Collection was not issued.
ASAP/FBMS Grant Numbers by type:
AV-638 GrantsA06AV00140
AB- Block GrantsA13AB00005
AP- Project GrantsA10AP….
AC- Cooperative Agreements A11AC….
Legacy Numbers - Funds received prior to February 2013. Refer to process #2 above.
The following documentation is provided to the Accounts Payable team:
1) Copy of the Schedule of Collection (SOC); when provided.
2) Copy of the Check/Remittance.
3) Any documentation submitted with the SOC and Check/Remittance.
Any available documentation and the ASAP Return of funds form is forwarded to Roya Tavakoli
(Contracting Officer and Jo Ann Metcalf (Grants Management Specialist).