Check Service (Normal Retirement) if you are a general employee age 65 or older with five years of creditable service (age
60 for sworn public safety officers).
Please read the certification statement before signing and dating the application. Your signature must be notarized. Your
application is not valid until properly signed, dated and notarized.
Check the benefit payment option of your choice. Refer to the So You've Made the Decision to Retire... Now What?
handbook to determine which payment option will meet your retirement goal. If you elect one of the survivorship options,
you must indicate the percentage (25, 50, 75 or 100) of your retirement benefit that you wish to leave to your designated
Complete these boxes only if you elected one of the survivorship options in Box 10. If you choose a survivorship option,
you must submit proof of your designated survivor's age (preferably a copy of the designated survivor's birth certificate.)
Enter your personal data.
Check Early Service (Age & Service) if you are a general employee at least age 55, and have completed at least five years
of creditable service, or are a sworn public safety officer at least age 50, with at least five years of creditable service.
Check Early Service (Service) if you are a general employee younger than age 55 or a sworn public safety officer younger
than age 50, and are eligible for an unreduced benefit based strictly on your years of service. To satisfy this requirement,
general employees must have 30 years of service and sworn public safety officers must have 25 years of service if
participating in the DB Plan, or 20 years of service if participating in the EDB Plan.
Enter your official job title.
Enter the date you plan to retire (which must be the first day of the month).
Check Deferred Service if you are a former vested general employee age 65 or older or a former vested sworn public safety
officer age 60 or older.
Check Deferred Early Service if you are a former vested general employee at least age 55 but less than age 65 or a sworn
public safety officers at least age 50 but less than age 60.
Check Deferred Early Service (DC Plan) if you are a vested member of the Defined Contribution Plan who with a frozen
retirement benefit as a former member of the Defined Benefit (DB) Plan, and have met the eligibility requirements for
Check one of the membership plans listed. Your membership plan can be found on your Estimate of Benefits Statement or
the most recent Annual Estimated Pension Statement (active employees only).
You must include a certified copy of your birth certificate with your application. If you do not have a copy of your birth certificate, please submit one of
the documents from the list of Acceptable Documents for Proof of Age located on the System's web site.
Enter the name of your department.
Complete this application if you are a member of the Defined Benefit Plan and are applying for a Service/Early Service retirement (retiring from active
employment) or a Deferred Service/Early Service retirement (former employee with vested rights). Your application must be received in the Richmond
Retirement System's office at least sixty (60) days, but no more than ninety (90) days before your effective retirement date.
Please read the So You've Made the Decision to Retire… Now What? handbook before completing your application. You may access this handbook at
the Richmond Retirement System's website (
730 East Broad Street
Suite 900
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone 804.646.5958
Fax 804.646.5299