Doisy College of Health Sciences
Grant Application Pre-Proposal
Research activity within the Doisy College of Health Sciences (DCHS) is an important component of our
overall mission. Therefore, it is critical that the grant application process within the college for proposals
seeking funding be as smooth and transparent as possible. The purpose of this grant application pre-proposal
form is to alert the DCHS Grants Manager to upcoming projects and to help identify potential problems that
could delay processing of grant applications. This form is not needed when submitting Letters of Intent, it is
for full applications. ALL funding applications (both internal and external to SLU) must be uploaded to
eRS by the DCHS Grants Manager and this form
be submitted before an application can be uploaded to
eRS. Please keep in mind that all applications-
a) with a subcontract or sub-award must be submitted to ORDS through eRS at least 10 business days prior to
the agency deadline
b) without a subcontract/sub-award must be submitted 5 business days prior to the agency deadline.
Section I. General Information
Name of PI
Today’s Date
Funding Agency Name
Submission Deadline
Purpose of Proposed Work
Section II. Identification of Potential Concern(s)
Applications needing additional review are those that:
1. Involve a SLU unit in addition to DCHS 3. Have a budget of more than $100,000/year in direct costs
2. Have a role for SLU students in the proposed work 4. Are NIH applications
5. Have a PI external to DCHS
If none of the above mentioned points apply to your application, skip the rest of this section and complete Section III. For
studies that include one or more of the points detailed above, please complete both this section and section III, and
submit this document to Michele Carley at least four weeks before the funding agency submission deadline.
(check all that apply)
For items 1 and/or 5:
Please provide names and affiliations of other internal/external investigators involved:
Identification of equipment and/or space required for study completion:
For item 2:
Identification and description of students:
For items 3 and/or 4:
Which agency/institute is the application going to, and what are the total dollars being requested:
Section III. Signatures
Department Chair
Upon signing, please return to:
Michele Carley
Grants Manager
Dean’s Office
Doisy College of Health Sciences
Phone: 977-8615
Fax: 977-8503