pus Housing Contract Release Request Form
Student Name: ________________________________________________ J #: _____________________________________
Contact #:______________________________________________________ Wildcat Email: _________________________
Please check the terms for which you are requesting a release.
all Winter Spring
The Room Terms Agreement (Housing Contract) is binding for the full academic year, similar to any other
landlord/tenant agreement. As long as a student has completed the Room Terms Agreement (Housing
Contract) and is/will be in attendance at the university, s/he will be responsible for room/room and
board charges for the entire academic year, even if s/he decides not to occupy the room or to utilize the
dining facilities for whatever reason, voluntary or involuntary.
In the event significant and unforeseen circumstances hinder a student’s ability to live on campus, this
form must be submitted to reslife.den@jwu.edu. Requests for release will be reviewed by the Contract
Release Committee and termination of the agreement is not guaranteed. Note: Moving in with
friends/relatives or committing to a lease off campus is not considered grounds for release from
your JWU housing contract.
Reason for Release
Consideration for release from the housing contract generally falls into the following categories. Please
check all that apply.
Family status change (Birth of a dependent child for whom the student is the parent and will be the
primary caregiver; marriage; family obligations - change in family status due to family member heath
issues, need for additional care, death.) Supporting documentation must be submitted to the Contract
Release Committee along with this form.
Financial hardship (Financial Aid Award adjustment; change in family income; change in personal
income.) Supporting documentation must be submitted to student’s JWU financial planner.
Medical accommodation (Personal physical or psychological health issues.) Supporting documentation
must be submitted to JWU’s Center for Academic Support.
Military commitment Supporting documentation must be submitted to the Contract Release
Committee along with this form.