For information about your rights and responsibilities under this agreement, contact Fair Trading at www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au or call 13 32 20.
24. The landlord agrees that a person who enters
the residential premises under clause 23.5, 23.6,
23.7, 23.8 or 23.9 of this agreement:
24.1 must not enter the premises on a Sunday or a
public holiday, unless the tenant agrees, and
24.2 may enter the premises only between the
hours of 8.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m., unless the
tenant agrees to another time, and
24.3 must, if practicable, notify the tenant of the
proposed day and time of entry.
25. The landlord agrees that, except in an
emergency (including to carry out urgent repairs),
a person other than the landlord or the landlord’s
agent must produce to the tenant the landlord’s or
the landlord’s agent’s written permission to enter
the residential premises.
26. The tenant agrees to give access to the
residential premises to the landlord, the landlord’s
agent or any person, if they are exercising a right
to enter the residential premises in accordance with
this agreement.
Alterations and additions to the premises
27. The tenant agrees:
27.1 not to install any fixture or renovate, alter or
add to the residential premises without the
landlord’s written permission, and
27.2 not to remove, without the landlord’s
permission, any fixture attached by the
tenant that was paid for by the landlord or for
which the landlord gave the tenant a benefit
equivalent to the cost of the fixture, and
27.3 to notify the landlord of any damage caused
by removing any fixture attached by the
tenant, and
27.4 to repair any damage caused by removing the
fixture or compensate the landlord for the
reasonable cost of repair.
28. The landlord agrees not to unreasonably
refuse permission for the installation of a fixture
by the tenant or to a minor alteration, addition or
renovation by the tenant.
Locks and security devices
29. The landlord agrees:
29.1 to provide and maintain locks or other
security devices necessary to keep the
residential premises reasonably secure, and
29.2 to give each tenant under this agreement
a copy of the key or opening device or
information to open any lock or security
device for the residential premises or common
property to which the tenant is entitled to
have access, and
29.3 not to charge the tenant for the cost of
providing the copies except to recover the
cost of replacement or additional copies, and
29.4 not to alter, remove or add any lock or
other security device without reasonable
excuse (which includes an emergency, an
order of the NSW Civil and Administrative
Tribunal, termination of a co-tenancy or an
apprehended violence order prohibiting a
tenant or occupant from having access) or
unless the tenant agrees, and
29.5 to give each tenant under this agreement
a copy of any key or other opening device
or information to open any lock or security
device that the landlord changes as soon as
practicable (and no later than 7 days) after
the change.
30. The tenant agrees:
30.1 not to alter, remove or add any lock or
other security device without reasonable
excuse (which includes an emergency, an
order of the NSW Civil and Administrative
Tribunal, termination of a co-tenancy or an
apprehended violence order prohibiting a
tenant or occupant from having access) or
unless the landlord agrees, and
30.2 to give the landlord a copy of the key or
opening device or information to open
any lock or security device that the tenant
changes within 7 days of the change.
31. A copy of a changed key or other opening device
need not be given to the other party if the other
party agrees not to be given a copy or the NSW
Civil and Administrative Tribunal authorises a copy
not to be given or the other party is prohibited
from access to the residential premises by an
apprehended violence order.
Transfer of tenancy or sub-letting by tenant
32. The landlord and tenant agree that:
32.1 the tenant may, with the landlord’s written
permission, transfer the tenant’s tenancy
under this agreement or sub-let the
residential premises, and
32.2 the landlord may refuse permission (whether
or not it is reasonable to do so) to the
transfer of the whole of the tenancy or