Residential Tenancies Moratorium
Application for rent negotiation
Important information
There is a restriction on landlords evicting tenants who are financially disadvantaged by COVID-19, unless a
formal rent negotiation process has been undertaken
Tenants must demonstrate they are eligible
Negotiate rent reductions in good faith. That is, dealing honestly and fairly with one another to genuinely work
together towards an agreement.
Negotiate first before Fair Trading will assist. Provide evidence that you have attempted to negotiate in good faith
Complete all sections of this form and ensure you include all communications and evidence with your application.
If you do not submit the form and all evidence with your application your matter will not progress.
Applicant Information
Name: ____________________
_____________________________ for
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Landlord, or
Agency name: ____________________________________________________________
Phone number: ____________________________________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________________
To be eligible for the
eviction moratorium, the applicant will need to prove that ONE or MORE rent paying members of the
have lost their job, income or work hours due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, or
had to stop w
ork or substantially reduce work hours due to illness with COVID-19,
another member of the household’s illness with COVID-19 or COVID-19 carer responsibilities
for the household or family members
this has resulted in a reduction in the total weekly household income (including
government assistance) of at least 25%.
If you have answered NO to this part, you are not eligible and must honour
your existing rental agreement.
Copies of evidence to demonstrate you are eligible must
be submitted with your application.
Confirm you have attached: YES NO
Proof of job termination/stand-down, or loss of work hours
(evidence needs to specify this occurred as a direct impact of COVID-19).
roof of Government income support (may not be applicable to all)
Proof of prior income
Other relevant evidence to show the reduction in income (if an