Fee $10.00
I, _____________________________________________________________, _________________________
Name Title
Representing ________________________________________________________________, a business
Business Name
located in the City of Gustavus, Alaska, whose mailing address is:
P.O. Box _________________________
Gustavus, Alaska 99826
Hereby apply for a Sales Tax Re-seller Certificate under Section 4.15.020 of the City of
Gustavus Sales Tax Ordinance.
I am aware that a re-seller must maintain a physical presence with the City of Gustavus, must
register with the City Treasurer, or the official administering this ordinance and report their
sales. I am aware the service or goods sold has to be directly integrated in the services or goods
sold by me. I am aware I must provide the original service provider with my sales tax account
number. I am aware the service or goods must be purchased separately for each resale. I am
aware the service must be identified, charged for and billed separately from any other service to
the ultimate consumer. I am aware the entire transaction is subject to a 3%
Sales Tax. I am
aware I must provide the seller with adequate proof that the service or goods will be resold
according to the ordinance (example: a sample invoice showing itemization of the resold service
or goods to the seller).
____________________________________________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date
Applications MUST be accompanied by the following required attachments:
Payment of the $10 application fee, and
2. A completed City of Gustavus Business Registration Form – This requirement only applies to businesses that
maintain a physical presence with the City of Gustavus that have not previously registered with the City Treasurer
or the official administering this ordinance.
Applications received without the required documents or payment will not be processed.
Certificate Number _________________ Date _______________________________
e Paid$___________________ Cash_________ Check #_____________
City Treasurer, Gustavus