Research Governance Framework Proposal Form
Title of Research Study (this must be the title you use when making contact with service
Background: What are the aims and objectives of the research? (This should include what the main
question to be answered is, what other projects/studies have been carried out in this area, (if any) and
how will your research add to any previous work undertaken)?
Proposed Start Date:
Estimated Completion Date:
Lead Researcher/ Project Leader
Job Title:
Please give indication of lead researcher’s experience and/or relevant qualifications:
Names(s) and address(es) of other Researcher(s) who will be involved:
Research Sponsor/Partner (External)
Job Title:
Internal Research Sponsor
(e.g. this will usually be a Service Manager/Line manager/Supervisor who
has agreed to the research project)
Job Title:
Research Commissioner/Funder (Organisation funding or responsible for commissioning this
Contact Person:
Job Title:
Financial cost of the whole research project:
If cost is in staff days, then number of full-time days:
Social Services staff time required (please record separately from researcher time):
Methodology and Techniques
Please describe the recruitment process (how participants are going to be selected and approached):
What research methods will you use in collecting your data? E.g. telephone survey, interview,
questionnaire, case file audit, focus group, internet survey, video/audio interviews etc
Exactly what participant/user information is required?
Are the participants known to the researcher? Yes No
If Yes, in what capacity?
How will you select your sample and what is your proposed sample size?
Will participants receive payment for participating? Yes No
If yes, please provide details:
Where will the research be conducted?
Will participants be clearly and fully informed of the purpose of the research?
Yes No
How are you planning to analyse/interrogate research data?
Who will be Involved
Please provide details of the participants who will be involved (e.g. children in need, Adults with
Disabilities, older people, Voluntary sector organisations):
Will stakeholders be involved in all stages of the study? (i.e. research that is carried out with or by
people who use services, rather than research that simply gathers information from participants) Please
give details
What geographical areas will be covered as part of your research?(e.g. name of area, wards, borough
wide, super output areas, LAP areas):
How will you obtain explicit informed consent from your target group?(e.g. signed consent form)
Is there any potential risk of harm to participants or yourself? Yes No
If so (a) what are the risks and
(b) What do you intend to do to reduce them?
Where appropriate, will information be made available to participants in alternative formats?
audio tape, video tape, other languages)
Will participants be informed of your complaints procedures? Yes No
If No please explain why
Where applicable, have all research staff been CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked? If yes, please
attach evidence
How will the study comply with equal opportunities regulation/policy (Race, Gender, Disability, Age,
Faith, Sexual orientation)?
Does the project involve four or more local authorities? Yes No
If so, has the study received ADSS approval (Association of Directors of Social Services)?
Yes No (provide details if Yes)
Has the research received approval from other bodies e.g. DoH, DfES, University, College etc?
Yes No
If yes, please attach the evidence :
Has the research been subjected to any peer review/approval?
Yes No
If yes, please give details below:
In the event of a compensation claim resulting from the research, are you insured?(give details below):
Will information gathered be made anonymous or pseudonymous? Yes No
How will the information be stored (locked cabinets, password protected files, encrypted recordings)?
What are the arrangements for protecting the confidentiality of information about the participants
(Encrypted files, password protected computers, anonymised, shredding)?
Have they researcher(s) signed a confidentiality agreement? (please attach a copy)
Please describe how and where information will be held by the Researchers:
Will the data be used for any purposes other than the study?
Once the project is completed, when and how will the original service user information, and any derived
information not necessary for publication be destroyed
How would you ensure compliance with the data protection legislation (See guidance)?
Who will own the data and reports?
Dissemination and Feedback
In what form will your findings be presented
(i.e. reports, audio tape, video tape, journal article, and
Will you feedback findings to participants and stakeholders in appropriate formats(give details e.g. Braille,
audio tape, video tape, other languages)
Are you intending to publish your findings?(Reports intended for publication must be approved by the
panel prior to publication)
Yes No
Where will the research be published and what information will the published research include?
Overall, how will the data be used to inform and improve services?
Supporting Documents
Please provide copies of the following documents (where appropriate) and any other accompanying
information for panel approval.
Consent Form
Approvals from other approving bodies
ADSS Approval / Application
Interview Questions
Researcher’s confidentiality agreement
Topic list
Previous research
Participant Information sheet
Research Timetable
CRB Checks
Profile of lead researcher
Please provide any other relevant information and documents (specify below):
For Panel Use Only
Comments/requirements for further information
Guidance & examples
Further information about some of the headings used in the London RGF Common Proposal Form and some
examples are presented below. The information provided is intended to be indicative and not exhaustive.
Title of Research Study: this must be the title you use when making contact with service users/participants
as well as when publishing the research results.
Background: What are the aims and objectives of the research as well as a brief description of the rationale
for the study with regard to the policy context, statutory requirements etc.This should include what the main
question to be answered is, what other projects/studies have been carried out in this area, (if any) and how
your research will add to any previous work undertaken.
Lead Researcher/ Project Leader: this is usually the head of the Research Team or the main researcher
who is responsible for the project
Internal Research Sponsor: this will usually be a Service Manager/Line manager/Supervisor who has agreed
to the research project. This person has the internal responsibility for ensuring that the research is
progressing as planned and service users are safeguarded.
Research Commissioner/Funder: this refers to the organisation funding or responsible for commissioning
the research.
Who will be Involved: You are required to provide details of the participants who will be involved in the
research study such as service users, children in need, adults with disabilities, older people, residents,
voluntary sector organisations.
Sampling and sample size: The sample is the target population of the research. It reflects the
characteristics of the population from which it is drawn.
The Data Protection Act: the act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them.
It works in two ways; firstly, it states that anyone who processes personal information must comply with eight
principles, that personal information is:
Fairly and lawfully processed
Processed for limited purposes
Adequate, relevant and not excessive
Accurate and up to date
Not kept for longer than is necessary
Processed in line with your rights
Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection
The second area covered by the Act provides individuals with a wide range of important rights, including the
right to know what is held and of access to their personal information held on computer and most paper
records as well as compensation and the prevention of processing.
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Check: The aim of the CRB check is to verify the background of
applicants to ensure that they do not have a history that would make them unsuitable to work with children,
vulnerable adults or other vulnerable members of society. The check will provide details of a person's criminal
records including convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings held on the Police National Computer
Please return this form to:
(Telephone: 020 8921 3023)
Steve Ollier
Strategy & Performance Team,
Adults & Older People’s Services,
Royal Borough of Greenwich,
The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street,
SE18 6HQ.