Requisition Form
Ordering supplies, arranging for repairs and other purchases takes time.
Please order in advance of need to ensure
delivery on time. General office supplies and commonly available items can generally be procured within 5 days.
Instruments, uniforms, repairs, and larger purchases may involve significantly more time please allow at least one month.
This allows time for any ATU internal processes, such as cash advances, requisition processing, purchase orders, and other
Providing complete information will help the Music Office ensure accurate ordering and avoid delays.
Please submit all receipts and invoices to the Music Office promptly upon receipt of merchandise or service.
If you will be procuring an item or service yourself, you must still file a requisition with the Music Office in advance.
The Department Head must approve the item in advance and a Purchase Order completed. No internet or bookstore
purchases can be reimbursed through petty cash. Petty cash will not accept any receipt that does not include the full
purchase price, including taxes paid. Maximum petty cash refund is $75.
Please submit this form, along with any relevant documentation, to the Music Office for processing.
Today’s Date:
Vendor Name:
Cost per Item (Before Taxes):
Quantity Needed:
Vendor Address:
Approved by:
For Dept. Head Use Only
Vendor Phone:
Budget Code:
Date Needed:
Item Description: (Ex: Uniform, Instrument Repair ect.)