Required Information for a Correspondence/E-learning/Distance Study Program Last Revised May 2020
Required Information for a Correspondence/
E-learning/Distance Study Program
Advanced Education is collecting this personal information under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
(Alberta) to determine and verify the student’s eligibility for nancial assistance in a correspondence/e-learning/distance delivered program in accordance
with the Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta), the Canada Student Loans Act and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, each as may be
amended from time to time. The use and disclosure of the personal information is managed in accordance with FOIP. If you have any questions about the
collection, use or disclosure of this information, call the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre toll free at 1-855-606-2096 from anywhere in North America.
You can also mail your questions to Alberta Student Aid, Privacy Ofcer, PO Box 28000 Stn Main, Edmonton AB T5J 4R4.
Students should submit this form only when they receive a request to do so from Alberta Student Aid.
To complete a fillable form: 1. Save to your desktop. 2. Complete form. 3. Save nal. Check, then submit. Never complete in a browser.
Send completed documents to Alberta Student Aid
Electronically: 1. Visit studentaid.alberta.ca 2. Sign in to your account 3. Submit securely using Upload Electronic Document(s)
Email: designationinquiry@gov.ab.ca
Mail to: Alberta Student Aid, PO Box 28000 Stn Main, Edmonton AB T5J 4R4
Student Name
Program of Study
Alberta Student Number
Institution Name
To the Student
Under the Pan Canadian Designation Policy Framework there are specic requirements that must be met for students requesting full-
time or part-time funding when enrolled in a correspondence/e-learning/distance delivered program. In order to determine whether you
are eligible to receive full-time or part-time funding, please work with the Registrar’s Ofce to complete this form.
To the School Official - please provide answers to the following questions:
1) Can students enrolled in this correspondence/e-learning/distance program be considered registered full-time by your institution?
No If yes, provide the credit/hour requirements for full-time enrolment: ____________________________________
2) Are all of the courses within this correspondence/e-learning/distance program offered in a specied time frame (with a denite start
and end date)?
3) How are students monitored to ensure that academic progress and minimum full-time course loads are being maintained?
4) What procedure does your institution have in place for those students who are not progressing?
5) Are students completing a minimum of 20 hours per week of student activity or participation?
6) Are your residents in this correspondence/e-learning/distance program eligible to apply for full-time nancial assistance through
the relevant student funding authority?
7) Does the correspondence/e-learning/distance division of your institution operate under separate administration and nancial aid
ofces from the main institution?
8) For Alberta private career colleges: Is this correspondence/e-learning/distance program associated with a regulated profession?
No If yes, please attach evidence of the regulatory body’s approval for this method of delivery with this form.
To the School Official - please complete
Signature of School Ofcial
Day Month Year
Email address (required)