Email this approved form to Financial Aid for processing.
Total Award Amount to be disbursed according to
above information:
Emailed Date:
Funding will be awarded/paid via Banner Financial Aid portal, and if receiving a Pell Grant, the award may affect
the student's unmet need. Students should check with their Financial Aid Advisor prior to accepting an award.
Funds will be disbursed according to the below timeline:
• First disbursement immediately upon receipt of approved funding request
• Second disbursment at midterm
• Final disbursment paid two weeks to the end of the semester
1 credit award at $200 to complete required practical experience hours. Paid in three
disbursements of $50/$50/$100. Enter required hours for one credit:
2 credits award at $400 to complete required practical experience hours. Paid in three
disbursements of $100/$100/$200. Enter required hours for two credits:
3 credits award at $600 to complete required practical experience hours. Paid in three
equal disbursements of $200 each. Enter required hours for Three credits:
Funded Date:
Notification emailed to
Faculty Facilitator Date:
APPROVALS: (only one required)
Vice Chancellor for Learning
Facilitator please upload a copy of the Internship Learning Contract or
CVE/Practicum Training Agreement.
Division or Department Chair
* FA representative - Please email fully executed form back to designee that submitted form to
Financial Aid for processing in Banner.
Processed by Financial Aid
Upload Contract or Training Agreement
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