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Tlingit & Haida Tribal Court
320 W. Willoughby Ave. Suite 300
Juneau, AK 99801
1-800-344-1432 / 866-532-3558 Fax
Monthly Income
Gross income before deductions: $_______________________
List sources and amount od any other income you her each month, including spousal/child
support, retirement, social security, disability, unemployment, military basic allowance for
quarters (BAQ), veterans payments, dividends, interest, trust income, annuities, net business or
rental income, reimbursement for job-related expenses, gambling or lottery winnings, etc.
1. ___________________________________ $__________________
2. ___________________________________ $__________________
3. ___________________________________ $__________________
4. ___________________________________ $__________________
Total Monthly Income: $__________________
Household income - List all other persons living in your home and their income; include only
your spouse and all individuals who depend in whole or in part on you for support, or on whom
you depend in whole or part for support.
1. Name: _____________________ age: ________ Income: $__________________
2. Name: _____________________ age: ________ Income: $__________________
3. Name: _____________________ age: ________ Income: $__________________
4. Name: _____________________ age: ________ Income: $__________________
Total Monthly Income: $__________________
List any other facts you ant the court to know, such as unusual medical expenses, family
expenses, family emergencies, etc., attach to this form (list here and attach any documentation).
Important: If your financial situation or ability to pay court fees improvise, you must notify
the court within five days.