1845 E. Northgate ▪ Irving, Texas 75062-4736
(972) 265-5814 ▪ Toll-free (888) 447.4777 ▪ Fax (972) 721-4076 ▪ www.udallas.edu/ministry
Registrar’s Office __/__/__
Request to Transfer CPE Credit
This form should be accompanied by a letter from the CPE instructor stating that the student has
successfully completed the course requirements as well as the CPE course fee. The course fee is equivalent
to 20% of graduate tuition at the University of Dallas. For example, the current CPE course fee is ($650.00
x 3) x .20 = $390.00.)
Students Name:
Student ID #:
Degree Program:
Transfer Institution: ____________
Transfer Institution Course Number:
Transfer Institution Course Title:
Semester to be taken:
By typing my name on the line below, I hereby agree that this approval is provisional upon receiving
a passing grade & receiving credit for the course specified & submitting an official transcript to the
Neuhoff School of Ministry Graduate Program. I also agree to the terms and conditions of the Neuhoff
School of Ministry regarding this form.
Students Signature Date
Dean/DelegatesSignature Date
click to sign
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click to sign
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