Request to Speak Before McKinney City Council Date
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Address City ______________________ Zip
Public Comments for items ON THE AGENDA
I wish to speak in SUPPORT / OPPOSITION of Item #
*Those wishing to speak on Public Hearing item(s) will be called at the time of the Public Hearing.
Public Comments for items NOT ON THE AGENDA
I wish to speak about:
*It is the Mayors decision to call those wishing to speak on Non-Agenda at either the beginning or end of
the meeting.
Submit a Comment without Speaking
I do not wish to speak; however, please record my:
Topic of Discussion:
Individuals wishing to address the Council must be present at the meeting.
Complete this Request to Speak card and submit to city staff before the start of the meeting.
When called to speak, go to the speaker’s stand, state your name and address, and discuss the
topic of interest. Please address the whole Council as one body do not address specific
Council Members individually.
Due to legal requirements, the Council cannot take action on Citizen Comments topics; however,
the Council can:
o Provide statements of fact regarding the topic,
o Request the topic be included as part of a future meeting, and / or
o Refer the topic to city staff for further study, conclusion, or assistance.
The time allowed to speak is generally 3 minutes per item, but can be changed by the Mayor.
All speakers will have the same amount of time to speak for each item.