Request to Engage in
Outside Employment or
City of Philadelphia
Department/Agency/Of ce:
Date of Request:
Department No.:
To Be Submitted to Departmental Human Resources Manager
Last Name:
First Name Payroll Number:
Years of Service:
Class or Job Title:
Division or Unit:
Name of Supervisor:
Regular Hours and Days Worked at City:
For Uniformed Personnel Only:
Only complete information applicable to position.
Badge #: District:
I am no longer engaged in approved outside employment or self-employment. End Date of Outside Employment or Self-Employment: ___________
I am currently engaged in approved outside employment or self-employment and wish to change the details of that employment (e.g., different
employer, hours of work) as described below.
I wish to enter into outside employment or self-employment as described below.
Please choose one of the following options:
Space is provided for one outside employment or self-employment request.
If you are seeking permission to work at more than one outside employment or self-employment, you must submit a separate form for each request.
Will your outside employment or self-employment be performed outside of your regular City
work hours? Yes No If No, please explain:
Regular Hours and Days Sought to Work:
E-mail of Supervisor (if applicable): Telephone:
Nature of Business:
Zip Code: State: City:
Name of Outside Employer:
List ownership or management interest in any business entity.
Does your proposed employer or you, if seeking self-employment, have contracts with or receive nancial assistance from the City of Philadelphia or any other governmental
entities? Do you anticipate contracts or nancial assistance will be sought? (If so, please describe in detail. If uncertain, ask this question of your prospective outside employer.)
Does your proposed outside employment or self-employment require you to personally engage in any transactions with the City of Philadelphia or with other governmental
entities? (If so, please describe in detail)
Is this work dangerous, hazardous, exhausting or otherwise potentially injurious to your health or safety?
(If yes, explain, and include any occupational hazards connected with the job.)
Describe in detail the duties you will perform for this employer or for yourself, if self-employed:
82-366 Int.
I am requesting permission of my Appointing Authority or their designee to engage in the outside employment
or self-employment described in this Form. I have thoroughly reviewed the Mayor’s Executive Order 12-16
on Outside Employment and Self-Employment, as well as any policies of my department, agency or of ce
concerning such employment. I understand that I may not engage in outside employment or self-employment
that is incompatible with my of cial duties with the City of Philadelphia. Speci cally, this outside employment or
self-employment must not:
1. bring disfavor or disrespect upon me; my department, agency or of ce; or the City;
2. impede, or adversely affect my performance and proper discharge of my City duties;
3. shall not be arduous, strenuous, laborious, dangerous or exhausting;
4. make use of any City-owned or leased resources, including but not limited to telephones, Blackberries, vehicles,
printers, computers, or other supplies or equipment;
5. occur during the time I am being paid for or am conducting City work;
6. be another of ce or a position of pro t with other governmental agencies, except as provided in Section 8-301 of
the Home Rule Charter;
I further understand that I shall not perform outside work while receiving sick leave or injury bene ts from the City. If I
become injured, disabled or ill as a result of my outside employment or self-employment, I shall not be given paid sick leave
or injury bene ts by the City.
I further understand that approval of my outside employment or self-employment does not alter or affect, in any way,
my obligation to comply with Chapter 20-600 of the Philadelphia Code (Standards of Conduct and Ethics), Title X of the
Philadelphia Home Rule Charter (Prohibited Activities), and, if applicable to me, the Pennsylvania Public Of cial and
Employee Ethics Act, codi ed at 65 Pa.C.S. 1101, et. seq. I further understand that I am required to disclose outside sources
of income of all annual nancial disclosure statements I am obligated to le.
I further understand that I have a continuing obligation to notify the Human Resources Manager or Designee of my
department, agency or of ce if the information included on this Form should change, including if I am no longer engaging in
outside employment or self-employment, within 14 days of such change.
The information about my outside employment or self-employment that I have entered above is true and complete to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date of Request: ____________________
Attendance & Performance Review (To be completed by the Human Resources Manager or Designee)
82-366 Int. (Reverse)
Is Of cer or Employee on Sick Abuse List: Yes No
Number of Sick Days (paid and unpaid) used in past 12 months:
Last Overall Performance Evaluation (if applicable):
Has Of cer or Employee Received any discipline in last 12 months? Yes No (If yes, attach copies)
Recommendation: Approved Denied
Supervisor’s Name____________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Signature__________________________________ Date_____________________
Final Decision: Approved Denied
Appointing Authority or Designee’s Name_____________________________________
Appointing Authority or Designee’s Signature__________________________________ Date_____________________
If Denied, Reason for Denial:
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