I am requesting permission of my Appointing Authority or their designee to engage in the outside employment
or self-employment described in this Form. I have thoroughly reviewed the Mayor’s Executive Order 12-16
on Outside Employment and Self-Employment, as well as any policies of my department, agency or offi ce
concerning such employment. I understand that I may not engage in outside employment or self-employment
that is incompatible with my offi cial duties with the City of Philadelphia. Specifi cally, this outside employment or
self-employment must not:
1. bring disfavor or disrespect upon me; my department, agency or offi ce; or the City;
2. impede, or adversely affect my performance and proper discharge of my City duties;
3. shall not be arduous, strenuous, laborious, dangerous or exhausting;
4. make use of any City-owned or leased resources, including but not limited to telephones, Blackberries, vehicles,
printers, computers, or other supplies or equipment;
5. occur during the time I am being paid for or am conducting City work;
6. be another offi ce or a position of profi t with other governmental agencies, except as provided in Section 8-301 of
the Home Rule Charter;
I further understand that I shall not perform outside work while receiving sick leave or injury benefi ts from the City. If I
become injured, disabled or ill as a result of my outside employment or self-employment, I shall not be given paid sick leave
or injury benefi ts by the City.
I further understand that approval of my outside employment or self-employment does not alter or affect, in any way,
my obligation to comply with Chapter 20-600 of the Philadelphia Code (Standards of Conduct and Ethics), Title X of the
Philadelphia Home Rule Charter (Prohibited Activities), and, if applicable to me, the Pennsylvania Public Offi cial and
Employee Ethics Act, codifi ed at 65 Pa.C.S. 1101, et. seq. I further understand that I am required to disclose outside sources
of income of all annual fi nancial disclosure statements I am obligated to fi le.
I further understand that I have a continuing obligation to notify the Human Resources Manager or Designee of my
department, agency or offi ce if the information included on this Form should change, including if I am no longer engaging in
outside employment or self-employment, within 14 days of such change.
The information about my outside employment or self-employment that I have entered above is true and complete to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date of Request: ____________________
Attendance & Performance Review (To be completed by the Human Resources Manager or Designee)
82-366 Int. (Reverse)
Is Offi cer or Employee on Sick Abuse List: Yes No
Number of Sick Days (paid and unpaid) used in past 12 months:
Last Overall Performance Evaluation (if applicable):
Has Offi cer or Employee Received any discipline in last 12 months? Yes No (If yes, attach copies)
Recommendation: Approved Denied
Supervisor’s Name____________________________________________________
Supervisor’s Signature__________________________________ Date_____________________
Final Decision: Approved Denied
Appointing Authority or Designee’s Name_____________________________________
Appointing Authority or Designee’s Signature__________________________________ Date_____________________
If Denied, Reason for Denial:
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