This section for BLB Resources, Inc. use only
BLB Resources Processed by: ________________________ Date:______________
Approved Denied
5S: CA, HI – Rev. 5-8-17 All previous versions are obsolete.
© BLB Resources, Inc. 2013-2017 All rights reserved.
Request to Add Purchaser
Please note: Completed form should be submitted via facsimile to (949) 379-2896 or email to, and will be processed as soon as possible upon receipt.
Please check the appropriate line for the purchaser being added, and complete a new form for each
purchaser added. Please attach appropriate documentation (i.e. lender letter) confirming all purchasers are
eligible to purchase the property.
FHA Case Number _____________________________________________________________________
Property Address (include city, state, zip) ____________________________________________________
Purchaser(s) __________________________________________________________________________
Selling Agent ____________________________ Agent Phone _____________________________
Purchaser Type
Owner Occupant – Please attach signed Owner Occupant Certification HUD 9548-D (1/98)
Non-Occupying Purchaser – if adding purchaser for financing purposes only, please attach lender
pre-approval letter or proof of funds for additional purchaser
Additional Purchaser’s Information:
Additional Purchaser’s Name (Please Print)
_______________________________ _______________________________
Additional Purchaser’s SSN # /FIN # Additional Purchaser’s Phone #
Additional Purchaser’s Address, City, St, Zip
Additional Purchaser’s Email Address
____________________________________________________ ____________________
Additional Purchaser’s Signature (Required) Date
_________________________________________________ ____________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
_________________________________________________ ____________________
Purchaser Signature (Required) Date
_________________________________________________ ____________________
Selling Agent Signature (Required) Date