If the property owner wishes to utilize an onsite septic system (new system or repair or replacement of
existing system), then the Community Sewer Service Provider needs to answer the following questions (please
check “Yes” or “No” or “Not Applicable” below, as applicable):
1. Does the community sewer service provider require this parcel to connect to community sewer
service? Yes No
If Yes, make sure the information requested above is complete and submit the document to
MCDEH. Do not answer questions 2, 3, and 4. Arrangements for connection to community sewer
service will be made between the property owner and the community sewer service provider.
MCDEH will issue a permit for proper destruction of any existing septic tank(s). MCDEH will not issue
a permit to install a new septic system or to repair or replace the existing septic system.
If No, go to question 2.
2. Does this parcel have community sewer service available to it, as determined by the community
service provider? Yes No
If Yes or No, go to question 3.
3. Will the community sewer service provider agree to MCDEH issuing a septic system permit to repair or
replace an existing septic system? Yes No Not Applicable
If #2 is No and #3 is Yes, do not answer question 4. Submit the document to MCDEH. MCDEH will
issue a septic system permit if possible.
If #2 is Yes and #3 is Yes, provide MCDEH with an estimate of all costs involved with connection to
community sewer and do not answer question 4. Please make sure the information requested at
the top of this form is complete and submit the document to MCDEH. Based on a comparison of
costs, MCDEH will determine if MCDEH can issue a septic system repair or replacement permit or if
connection to community sewer is required. If connection to community sewer is required, MCDEH
will issue a permit for proper destruction of any existing septic tank(s).
If #3 is No or Not Applicable, go to question 4.
4. Will the community sewer service provider agree to MCDEH issuing a septic system permit to install a
new septic system (to serve a new structure)? Yes No Not Applicable
If Yes, provide MCDEH with an estimate of all costs involved with connection to community sewer.
Based on a comparison of costs, MCDEH will determine if MCDEH can issue a septic system permit or
if connection to community sewer is required.
If Yes, No, or Not Applicable, please make sure the information requested at the top of this form is
complete and submit the document to MCDEH.
If No, MCDEH will not issue a septic system permit and will refer the property owner to the
community sewer service provider for discussion about community sewer connection options.
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