Personal information
Current surname First name Middle name(s)
Check here if your surname
has changed since you
were last registered in
Student # Date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd) Gender
Mailing address Community Postal code
Email address
Territory/province Telephone Fax
Current/most recent secondary school attended
Grade Year Name of school Community
Transcript order (you will receive a copy of the transcript for conrmation purposes)
Transcript requests may be honoured immediately or held pending the completion of the current examination
period specied. Time periods for the release of transcripts are listed below. No fees are required.
Use the following codes to indicate the time periods for which you require a transcript:
1. Immediately 3. Second semester results/June exams
2. First semester results/January exams 4. Summer school results/August exams
Send to the
following institutions
Mailing address (include community,
province/territory, postal code, fax #)
application #
Student signature (required) Date
Your ofcial transcript will include any or all of the following:
1. All secondary courses completed in Nunavut
2. Nunavut equivalencies resulting from the evaluation of out of territory documents
3. The results of departmental examinations
Note: a copy of your transcript will be sent to you at your home address.
Ofce use only Date received Date processed
Email completed form to: studenttranscripts@gov.nu.ca
Request for Transcript