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Request for Public Records
While it is not mandatory, completing this form will help us fill this public records request in a timely fashion.
Request Date:
Name of Requester (Last, First, MI):
Street Address of Requester:
City, State, County, Zip Code:
Email Address:
Records Requested:
(This section is mandatory.
Please identify each of the
documents that are subject to
this request with sufficient
specificity so we can ascertain
whether we have these
documents and how to locate
I would like to inspect the records
I would like the records copied to be picked up
I would like the records copied and mailed to the address listed on the form
Please mail, deliver in person, fax, or email your request to:
Youngstown State University Police
Attn: Administration Lieutenant
One University Plaza
Youngstown, OH 44555
Fax: 330-941-7471 Email: police@ysu.edu
Records requests are normally processed and ready in 3 business days. The Department may require payment in advance for any
costs involved in providing the copy(ies) of the record(s) requested.
For security purposes, this agency will only produce public records in paper format unless the records exclusively exist in another format.
The following information will be redacted and cannot be released: Social Security Number(s) (Federal Privacy Act; ORC 149.011(g); State
ex rel. Beacon Journal Publishing Co. v. City of Akron, 70 Ohio St. 3d 605, 640 N.E.2d (1994); 2004 Ohio Atty. Gen. Ops. No. 04-045, 2004
AG LEXIS 47), Uncharged Suspects (ORC 149.43(A)(2)(a)), Peace Officers Residential and Familial Information (ORC 149.43(A)(1)(g) and
(A)(3)), Medical Records (ORC 149.43(A)(1)(a) and (A)(3)), Trial Preparation Records (ORC 149.43(A)(1)(g) and (A)(4)), Confidential Law
Enforcement Investigation Records (ORC 149.43(A)(1)(h) and (A)(2)), Confidential Informant(s) (ORC 149.43(A)(2)(b)), Security and
Infrastructure Records (ORC 149.433), State of Ohio Employees Home Address (ORC 149.011 (G); State ex rel. Dispatch Printing Co. v.
Johnson, 106 Ohio St.3d 160, 2005-Ohio-3484 (2005))
Office Use Only