Oar (\\ishtar) A&R Forms-Petitions/Request for Transcript Review 9.05.13 TK
Updated: 11/8/2013 10:55:31 AM
Request for Official Transcript Review
If you recently requested to have transcripts sent to us from another school, you may either wait until you get a
letter from us acknowledging the receipt of those transcripts to let us know what services (listed below) you would
like for us to perform related to the transcripts or you may fill out and email this form to the Office of Admissions
and Records at
( )
School(s) you requested to have transcripts sent from:
1) 2)
3) 4) 5) 6)
Service(s) you wish to have us perform (check all that apply):
Prerequisite Clearing
Please clear me to take the following SCC class(es) based on my having taken the prerequisite(s) at the school
listed above. Prerequisites are cleared within 10 business days of receipt of the “Request for Transcript Review”
form if appropriate transcripts have also been submitted.
Transfer Units to be posted for Priority Registration Status (OFFICIAL transcripts ONLY)
Please post any transfer units I may have acquired at my prior school in order to boost my priority registration
date in future semesters. I understand that transfer unit credits may not get applied to my priority registration
status prior to my having completed at least 6 units at SCC.
Financial Aid
No processing of your transcript will be completed unless you have a current application for admission on file. You
can check by going to
www.solano.edu, click on MySolano, login (please follow the instructions to login), click on
“registration status/priority” for the most recent semester available.
If you submit this form to us prior to our receiving your transcript(s) from another school(s), we will hold it for no
more than one year. Requests for which we have received transcripts are processed in the order the Request for
Transcript Review was received. Requests for which we have not yet received transcripts will be matched to their
according transcript and processed within 10 business days.
By submitting this form, you are indicating to us that you understand the above processes and are formally
requesting for Solano Community College to complete the requested services.
Please return this form to us via email at www.admissions@solano.edu .