2. Since you were last a member of the College, have you been found guilty of professional
misconduct, incompetence or incapacity in the practice of early childhood education or any
other profession (in any jurisdiction)? Please only answer “Yes” if you were found guilty by an
organization that is NOT the College of ECE.
3. Since you were last a member of the College, to your knowledge, are you being investigated
for professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity, in the practice of early childhood
education or any other profession (in any jurisdiction)? Please only answer “Yes” if you are
being investigated by an organization that is NOT the College of ECE.
4. Since you were last a member of the College, have you been charged and/or found guilty of an
offence under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada) or the Food and Drugs Act
1. Since you were last a member of the College, have you resigned your membership or registration
with a regulatory/ licensing organization while you were the subject of a complaint, investigation or
proceeding with respect to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity in the practice of
early childhood education or any other profession (in any jurisdiction)?
Section 4: Issues Potentially Affecting Practice
You must answer ALL of the questions in this section.
CECE - Request for Membership Reinstatement Form - 2022
5. Since you were last a member of the College, have you been char
ged and/or found guilty of a
criminal offence in Canada or in any jurisdic
tion outside of Canada?
6. Do you have a physical or mental condition or disorder that affects your ability to practise the
profession safely? Please only answer ‘Yes’ if you have never disclosed this information to the
College, or if you have already disclosed it and this information has substantially changed since you
did so.
7. Since you were last a member with the College, have y
ou been charged with misconduct,
including academic misconduct that resulted in disciplinary actions by the Dean’s office (or
any equivalent or higher administrative office) while you attended a post-secondary institution?
Yes No
8. Since you were last a member of the College, has a Children’s Aid Society or equivalent authority
in any jurisdiction verified allegations or concerns made against you?
Yes No