Please Return Form to:
Ramapo College of NJ
Office of the Registrar
Academic Building D-224
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Mahwah, NJ 07430
Fax: 201-684-7956
Request for Incomplete Grade
Fall 20____ Spring 20____ Summer 20____
(Please Print)
An Incomplete grade is given in exceptional circumstances when approved by the instructor and
when requested by a student who has satisfactorily completed at least two-thirds of the course
requirements prior to the end of a term, for reasons of illness or other emergency. When the work is
completed by the date indicated on the Academic Calendar, the grade assigned replaces the I. If
work is not satisfactorily completed by the date indicated in the Academic Calendar, the grade is
changed to an F.
Student ID Number: _________________________________
Student Name: _________________________________
Ramapo E-Mail Address: _________________________________
Student Signature: __________________________ ______
Title: _________________________________
Subject/Course Number/Section
For the Followi
ng Reason: (REQUIRED) _____________________________________________
Work Needs to be Completed: (REQUIRED) __________________________________________
Completion Date: (Select one)
Deadline as published in Academic Calendar
________ Other (If prior to deadline as published in Academic Calendar)
Instructor Signature: ____________________________________________
Requests must be filed
with the Office of the Registrar no lat
er than the last day of class. All
requests must be signed and dated by the instructor teaching the course. Candidates for
graduation should consult with the Graduation Coordinator for possible earlier resolution dates. You
will not be certified as a graduate with an Incomplete grade. For all others, if the work is not
satisfactorily completed by the deadline, the “I” will be changed to an “F.” Consult the College
Catalog for the grading policy.
Office Use Only
Date Received:_______ Accepted by:________ Date Recorded:________ Recorded by: ________
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