Coldwell Banker Real Estate Management Leaders
201 County Court Blvd., Suite 600, Brampton, ON, L6W 4L2 ⚫ Tel: (905) 455-3344 Fax: (905) 453-9773
Request for Exterior Change(s) to Unit
Corporation No.: _________________
________/________/___________ ______________________________________________
Date Property Owner(s) Name(s)
Number, Street Name & City
____________________________ ______________________________________________
Phone Number Email
The company/contractor we have selected to do the work is:
Full Company/Contractor Name
Company/Contractor contact Information:
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________
Street Number, Street Name & City Phone Number
_____________________ ________________________ ___________________________
Colour Requested Brand Name Finish Requested
If requesting a Satellite Dish, Window or Landscaping change, please provide a detailed drawing showing location,
dimensions and elevations of all changes requested. For all other changes the following must be attached with
your request: Pamphlet and or spec sheet showing detailed information of items to be changed, a copy of your
contractor's WSIB and Liability Insurance, building permit if required (i.e. basement windows), colour swatch, etc.
And if possible, a sample of the product to be used.
**Please note that any exterior alterations made to your unit without consent of our property management may
result in having the change denied and the owner having to restore the changes to its original format. Failing to
do so will result in having our Property Management perform the work at the owner’s expense.**
I/We are requesting changes to the following exterior features at the above unit:
1. _______________________
For office use:
Received: ___ / ___ / ______ By: ______
For office use:
Approved: ___ / ___ / ______ By: ______