Current Graduate School forms reside at From GS6 Request for English Proficiency Waiver Rev.03/2020
Clemson University Graduate School OFFICE OF GRADUATE ADMISSIONS E-209 Martin Hall Clemson, SC 29634-5713 864.656.3195
Request for English Proficiency Waiver
Applicant (student) information
Family name: Given name:
XID#: Degree level: Program:
Graduate Program Coordinator information
Name: Email:
Coordinator signature: Date:
I am requesting an English proficiency waiver for this applicant for the following reason(s):
Expired TOEFL / IELTS / PTE Academic exam scores (summary score: )
Personal interview with graduate program coordinator which demonstrated sufficient academic English
language acquisition
Competitive GRE verbal/analytical score
Faculty/departmental assessment tool. Instrument/method that was used and the corresponding results:
Previously employed in the U.S. (duration of employment: )
Extended residency in the U.S. (duration of residency: )
Please provide justification and detail for the requested waiver with respect to English proficiency:
This form allows digital signatures and submission via email by clicking the submit button.
To use these interactive features, save this form to your device and open it in Acrobat Reader,
rather than completing it with your browser’s PDF extension.
If you prefer to submit a printed copy, return this completed form to Jessie Stokes, Office of Graduate Admissions
(E-209 Martin Hall, Clemson main campus)
Graduate School use only
Denied Date:
Dean’s Signature