1450 ZZ 49525348
Request for Direct Deposit
Individuals in Business, Partnerships, Corporations and Other Legal Entities
This form is for use by an individual in business, partnership, corporation or
other legal entity (hereinafter called the "requestor") wishing to register
for direct deposit so that Revenu Québec can deposit into the requestor’s
account any amount to which the requestor is or could be entitled
• the
Excise Tax Act
• the
Act respecting the Québec sales tax
• the
Fuel Tax Act
• the
Tobacco Tax Act
• the
Taxation Act
; or
• any other act applied by Revenu Québec.
Enter only one financial institution and one account number for all amounts
payable under the above-mentioned legislation. The account in question
must be held in Canadian funds at a financial institution with an
establishment in Canada. If Revenu Québec is unable to deposit an amount
in the account, it will mail a cheque to the address it has on file.
Complete only one registration request; it will cover all your branches
For amounts related to GST files (including those of branches) and those
related to International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) files to be
deposited in different accounts held by the requestor in one or more
financial institutions, complete this form for each account in question.
InPart 4 of each form, enter the appropriate file number(s).
To cancel direct deposit or change the banking information provided in a
previous request, complete another copy of this form or go to
RevenuQuébec’s website at revenuquebec.ca.
How to register for direct deposit
You can register for direct deposit on Revenu Québec’s website.
To register the requestor using this form, you must complete Part 2.
Send the duly completed form to one of the following Revenu Québec
• 3800, rue de Marly, Québec (Québec) G1A 0B7
• C. P. 6500, succursale Place-Desjardins, Montréal (Québec) H5B 0B6
1 Information about the requestor
Identification number GST account number (if applicable) IFTA number (if applicable)
Last name and first name of the individual in business or name of partnership, corporation or legal entity
Suite, apt. Street number Street name, P.O. box
City, town or municipality Province Postal code Area code Telephone
LM-2-V (2021-03)
1 of 2
Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax
and Québec Sales Tax
No more cheques, envelopes or stamps!
Register now at revenuquebec.ca.
Get quicker refunds with direct deposit.
Protected B when completed
You must download the form and open it with a PDF reader that can read JavaScript, such as Acrobat Reader. Some browsers,
such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, come with a PDF reader that does not allow you to complete the form correctly.