Request for Credit Overload for Junior College Students
To be considered for a credit overload (>19 credits),
You should satisfy the following criteria:
Yes/No (Check box that applies)
I have a cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher at NMMI.
I have demonstrated the ability to complete 15 credits or more in prior semesters at NMMI without
receiving a grade of F, W or WF.
I have no pending grades of Incomplete (I).
Name: __________________________ ABT: ___________________ Cumulative GPA: ___________
Signature: _________________________ Today’s Date: ________________ Semester GPA: __________
redit Overloads will be reviewed prior to the 2 week drop/add period in the beginning of the
Fall/Spring semester(s).
Semester Year: _______ Fall Spring
Course Title Course Number Credits
Total number of credits requested =
On page 2 of this form, please explain why you are overloading your schedule. Forward this completed form,
via email, to your advisor.
Advisor Signature: _________________________________________
Associate Dean Signature (up to 21): ______________________________
Dean Signature (22 or more): ____________________________________