Request for Course
retake with a Grade of
C or Better Appeal
Student Name: Student ID #:
Term of Request:
Per Florida Administrative Code, 6A-14.0301 repeat enrollment in courses in which a grade of C or above
has been earned is prohibited. Occasionally, under very special circumstances, repeat permission is
granted. Examples are a need for teacher recertification, specifications of a regulatory agency, licensure
and program requirements.
The initial grade and the subsequent grade appear on the transcript, but only the first grade is included in
the GPA with credit earned. The second attempt will not earn credit, will not be included in the GPA, and
the Forgiveness Rule will not apply. Registration for such a course without approval will be cancelled, the
course dropped, and fees refunded.
Deadline: Request must be received by the first day of classes for the session in which approval is sought.
Course(s) for which you are requesting to retake with a grade of C or better:
Course Prefix/Number: CRN# (5 digits):
Course Title:
All requests must include the below items and are the responsibility of the student. Requests
submitted without the following information and documentation will be returned.
A Letter of Explanation: Attach an explanation as to why you are requesting an exception to
CFK policy and Florida Statutes.
Documentation to support your appeal.
Copy of student transcript.
Educational plan signed by Academic Advisor: You must meet with your academic advisor to
discuss your educational plan.
I understand that:
I am requesting an exception to CFK policy and have submitted the necessary documents to
substantiate a special circumstance.
Appeals received without proper documentation will be returned and not reviewed until proper
documentation is provided to the Committee and this could jeopardize the timeliness of the
Committee’s decision.
It is my responsibility to monitor my CFK email account for any correspondence from the
committee regarding this appeal.
The Committee has the right to seek relevant input regarding this appeal from other college
departments, including instructors, and use this information in their decision-making.