Office of Records and Registration
640 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-1445
CALL: 518.743.2279 | FAX: 518.832.7601 | EMAIL:
Request for Consideration under the Fresh Start Rule
Students who are matriculated at SUNY Adirondack may file a Request for Consideration under the Fresh Start Rule to have previous
grades of C- or below excluded from the current GPA. Under this rule, students receive credit and retain the grades for all courses
previously passed with a grade of C or above. No credit is received for courses with grades of C- or below, unless specifically requested,
and all designated courses are disregarded when the GPA is calculated. All courses and grades remain on the record.
Students are limited to filing one Fresh Start Rule request during their academic pursuit at SUNY Adirondack. If granted, the Fresh Start
Rule will not be used toward coursework previously completed before a prior degree or certificate at SUNY Adirondack was awarded. If
approved, this decision will not be taken into account when determining financial aid eligibility.
This policy can be found in the College Catalog;
Student Banner ID: _____________________________________
Student Name (Please print): ______________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last
Major: ________________________________________
Courses to be excluded:
❑ All grades in the student’s academic history with a grade of C- or lower.
❑ The following courses with a grade of C- or lower only; _____________________________________________________________
My signature below indicate that I understand that I cannot use any course excluded from my cumulative average to fulfill my degree
requirements. I understand I am limited to filing one Fresh Start Rule request during my academic pursuit at SUNY Adirondack. If granted,
the Fresh Start Rule will not be used toward coursework previously completed before a prior degree or certificate at SUNY Adirondack
was awarded. If approved, this decision will not be taken into account when determining financial aid eligibility.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Completed forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for review.
For Registrar’s Office Use ONLY:
Decision of the Registrar: ❑ Approve ❑ Deny (see comments for further information)
GPA prior to Fresh Start Exclusions: ____________ GPA after Fresh Start Exclusions: ____________
Course(s) excluded from GPA: __________________________________________________________________________________
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Registrar Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
❑ Transcript notation completed ❑ Copy sent to Student ❑ Copy sent to Financial Aid
Form Updated: 6/15/2020
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