Request for Articulated Credit
Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC)
8342 NICC Drive, Peosta IA 52068 | P.O. Box 400, Calmar IA 52132
Student Name:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip: Phone:
Student Social Security Number OR NICC Student ID: High School Graduation Year:
NICC Career Program / Major (if known):
Student Signature: Date:
I request articulated Northeast Iowa Community College credit for the following high school course(s) completed at
__________________________________________________________ High School.
High School Course Name
NICC Course Number
NICC Course Name
1) An official high school transcript must accompany this Request for Articulated Credit.
2) Credit is entered on a Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) transcript after the student has accumulated 12 NICC credits post high school.
3) Students must attend Northeast Iowa Community College within 12 months of high school graduation to be eligible for articulated credit.
4) Articulation Agreements for AGA117, AGS118 and AGB328 require passing an end of course assessment.
5) Articulated credit is given for Northeast Iowa Community College career and technical program classes, not 4-year college transfer courses.
6) Articulated courses do not contribute to the student’s Northeast Iowa Community College grade point average, but do satisfy specific career program requirements.
NICC High School Partnerships Coordinator: Date:
NICC Registrar: Date: