Citizens Addressing the City Board of Directors
Board of
Directors Procedural Rules
2.2 Citizens
(a) Citizens and visitors are welcomed and encouraged to attend all
public Board of Directors business meetings.
(b) Any citizen may request to be placed on the agenda by notifying
the City Manager or City Clerk in writing by no later than noon
Monday the week prior to week of the meeting.
(c) Citizens wanting to address the Board must provide in writing:
(i) The nature of the business to be discussed
(ii) Describe results desired
(iii) If action is requested reasoning must be stated
(d) Citizens speaking to the Board of Directors shall have a speaking
time limit of 10 minutes. The time limit may be extended with
dialogue between the speaker and the Board of Directors.
Citizens Name: ____________________________________________
Citizens Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Citizens Phone Number:____________________________________________________________
Nature of business to be discussed:
Describe results desired:
If action is requested reasoning must be stated:
ignature: _________________________________
ate: __________________________________
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