Registrar's Office
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Request for Letter of Anticipated Completion
A Letter of Anticipated Completion is an official statement recognizing a studen
t's candidacy for graduation. It is not confirmation of a
student's degree. Student's must first submit an Application for Degree and Diploma form prior to this form. The letter will indicate the
intention of the student to graduate in a specified term. Completion of graduation requirements can be verified only by official transcript once the
degree has been posted. Submit this form by e-mail, mail, or in person to the Registrar's Office in the Enrollment Center, Sage Hall.
Name ______________________________________________________________ Student ID ___________________________
E-mail Address ________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________
PLEASE NOTE: The maximum order limit is 5.
Anticipated Date of Graduation:
Anticipated date is the term in which all University and major/minor requirements will be completed.
__________ __________ Year
Degree Objective: BA BS MA MS MBA Certificate
Major(s): ____________________________________________ Minor(s): ____________________________________________
Option/Emphasis/Concentration: ___________________________ Certificate: __________________________________________
Please Send Letter(s) of Anticipated Completion to the Following Address (es)**: Number of Letters Requested: _____
____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
I would like to pick up my letter(s)*
*If you would like to pick up one or more letters simply write Pick up in the lines above and indicate the number of copies needed.
**Letters of Anticipated Completion will be available three to five business days from receipt of request. You will need to bring a photo ID
to retrieve your letter(s) in the Enrollment Center, Sage Hall.
I understand that official confirmation of my degree is contingent upon completion of all graduation requirements. The purpose of this letter is to
indicate my intention to graduate in a specific term.
Student’s Signature __________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Administration Use Only-Records & Registration
Processed by: _________ PS Comment: __________ Student Notified: ___________
(Staff Initials) (Date) (Date)
Revised 04/03/2019