Request For Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
of Retirement Benet
The completion of this form will authorize TRS to automatically deposit your retirement benet through EFT. This form should be completed by the
person receiving the TRS benet (retiree, co-beneciary, or survivor beneciary). Please type or print all information and include your signature
before submitting the form. EFT submissions and required documentation must be received by the 14th of each month.
Social Security Number
System of
TR-21 (0313)
Two Northside 75 Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30318 (404) 352-6500 (800) 352-0650 fax (404) 352-4885
TRS Retirement Number
_________________________________________ __________________________________ ___________
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Home Address or P.O Box
(_________)___________________ ___________________________ __________ __________________
Telephone Number City State Zip Code
Please check one: Initial Request (Sections A, B, E) Change Request (Sections A, B, C,E) Cancel EFT (Sections A, D, E)
Section A: Payee Information
Section B: Financial Institution Information
Type of Account:
CHECKING: Include a voided check with this form
SAVINGS: Include a savings account deposit slip with this form
Section C: EFT Change Request Only
Please indicate how you would like to receive your benet payment during the pre-notication process. If a selection is
not made, your request will not be processed.
Continue sending funds by EFT to my previous account
Send funds to my home address
Section D: EFT Cancellation Only
To cancel the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of your benet, please check the box below. TRS will no longer deposit your
monthly benet by EFT and a check will be mailed to the address listed above.
Yes, cancel my EFT
Section E: Acknowledgment of Responsibilities
I authorize the Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) to deposit my net monthly retirement benet to my account
at the nancial institution identied. I understand that I may cancel or replace this authorization at anytime and that such a
change will become effective after TRS receives and processes my request. I hereby acknowledge that my monthly ben-
ets terminate at the end of the month of my death or my eligibility period. Accordingly, I agree that if any benet payments
to which I am not entitled shall have been received and collected by my nancial institution, I hereby authorize and direct
my nancial institution to refund the same to TRS and charge such refund payments to my account. If necessary, I also
authorize and request that this nancial institution accept any adjusting entries initiated by TRS.
________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Signature (Member, Legal Representative*) Date Signature (Legal Representative*) Date
* If a properly executed legal representative document exists, TRS must have this information on le.
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