Date: ____________________
Name of person requesting review: ______________________________________________________________
Other party/parent name: ______________________________________________________________________
SSN: Telephone:
The Friend of the Court is required to review child support every 36 months. However, pursuant to the 2013 Michigan Child Support
Formula Supplement, a substantial change in circumstances may warrant a review of your current support amount sooner if you are
experiencing one of the following circumstance.
1) The payer begins or stops receiving social security benefits.
Office Guideline: When the payer or payee begins or stops receiving social security benefits he or she may be eligible for support
review under these rules.
Documentation Required: Written proof from the Social Security office indicating that benefits have either started, stopped, or that
a reduction of $50.00 per month has occurred.
2) A child receives social security benefits based on the support payer’s earnings record, or a reduction occurs in those
benefits by $50 per month or more.
Documentation Required: Written proof from the Social Security Office indicating that benefits have either started, stopped, or that
a reduction of $50.00 per month has occurred.
3) A health issue affects a party’s ability to earn income for a substantial period (a permanent or long-term disability or injury,
a lengthy hospital stay and recuperation, etc.).
Documentation Required: Disability statement from employer and/or physician.
4) Parent’s income changes by 75 percent or more.
Documentation Required: Pay stubs or other proof of the income change. People who are self-employed may be required to
provide additional documentation
5) A parent receives a call to active military duty likely to last at least six months and result in a significant income reduction.
Documentation Required: a document stating your military status and activation from the armed services.
6) Significant changes in the medical expenses of a party.
Documentation Required: Medical and/or insurance documentation showing why and how much medical expensed have changed.
7) Changes in the physical, mental, or educational needs of a child.
Documentation Required: Professional explanation of physical, mental, or education needs by the appropriate physician, mental
health professional or educational professional. Additional documentation regarding the changes in costs based on these changes
should also be attached.
8) A significant change in financial circumstances because of a modification of the payer’s other support obligations.
Office Policy: A review may be conducted if the payer has sustained a 25% total increase in child support ordered for all cases.
Documentation Required: Most recent orders from others counties contributing to 25% increase in total child support ordered.
A Non-Custodial or Custodial parent may request a review of support by presenting their information regarding the change(s)
on the reverse side of this form. The determination of conducting a support review is at the discretion of the Friend of the
Court Office.