1. For C.D.S. loss, theft or suspected or documented diversion, please describe the facts of your complaint regarding the
substance abuse/impairment issue being reported addressing each of the following:
a) The nature of the complaint
b) The type and amount of medication lost or diverted and approximately when this activity occurred,
c) The type of dispensing system in place - manual or automatic,
d) The nursing personnel potentially associated with this complaint, and why,
e) The results of facility review, including testimony of patients and staff regarding the suspect’s behavior and nursing
practice including documentation of assessment of need for C.D.S., its administration, and documentation of
f) The existence of any reports or memoranda of investigation prepared regarding this matter, and
g) The agencies notied (e.g. the Board of Nursing, A.T.D. Committee, others).
2. Was the person suspected of diversion or substance abuse confronted? If the answer to this question is “yes,”
by whom? Did the person admit to the allegations of diversion or substance abuse? Please provide a fax
copy of any written statement of admission by the nurse, the incident report or an afdavit.
3. Did the person who admitted to diversion or substance abuse make contact with RAMP?
4. Please attach scanned copies of all materials that support your suspicion or allegation of substance abuse
to this e-report form. If your facility does not have scanning capabilities, please forward a copy of the support materials
to the mailing address below, to the attention of Deborah Zuccarelli, BSN, RN, Alternative to Discipline Supervisor.
5. I certify that the statements made by me in this complaint are true and any documents attached electronically or mailed
to the Board of Nursing ofce are true copies. I am aware that if any of the statements made by me are willfully false, I am
subject to punishment.
Date Signature of Person Reporting*
* The person who has completed the form must sign this certification, electronically if possible. Supporting
documentation (scanned PDF les) may be e-mailed to Ramp@dca.lps.state.nj.us or hard copies may be mailed to the
following address:
State of New Jersey
New Jersey Board of Nursing
Attention: Deborah Zuccarelli, BSN, RN
Alternative to Discipline Supervisor
P.O. Box 45010
Newark, New Jersey 07101
click to sign
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