(Replaces Information on Page 25 of 2010-2012 Graduate School Bulletin)
Each student at Southern University may seek redress in academic decisions when they believe
the decision is unfair or ungrounded. It is the purpose of this grievance procedure to provide
prompt and equitable resolution to student academic grievances. Classroom related matters
should be subjected to these procedures only when the grievance cannot be settled in the
ordinary course of immediate post-class discussion.
At every level of administrative review, a grievance must show date of submission, date
received by the reviewing level, date of response by the reviewing level, and the
signatures of the person filing the grievance and the responding party.
A. Grievance forms are available in Office of Graduate Studies, Room 1055 T. H. Harris Hall
or may secured from the Graduate School’s website (www.subr.edu). The student shall submit a
grievance in writing to the immediate supervisor at which the incident occurred. The completed
form, with all supporting documents, shall be submitted within ten (10) working days subsequent
to the occurrence of the incident precipitating the grievance. Grievances must be filed at the
departmental and college level within the academic area where the incident occurred.
Procedures for filing a grievance at all levels of the administrative hierarchy and the order
of filing a grievance are as follows: (1) Department Chair or Director, (2) Dean of the
Student’s College; (3) Dean of the Graduate School and/or Graduate Council, (4) Office of
Academic Affairs and (5) Office of the Chancellor.
B. The immediate supervisor shall meet with the student and respond expeditiously, in
writing, to the grievance submitted, but no later than ten (10) working days after receipt of
the grievance. The number of days (ten working days) indicated at each step shall be
considered a maximum, and every effort will be made to expedite the process. The time
limits specified shall apply to both the person filing the grievance and the administration,
and may be extended by mutual written agreement.
C. If the grievance is not resolved, the student may seek redress within ten (10) working
days at the next level in the administrative hierarchy. The ten (10) working days begin at
the time that the student is informed, in writing, of the decision of the administrative level at
which the grievance is being reviewed. However, the time limits may be extended by mutual
written agreement.
D. In the absence of a resolution to the grievance at any level, the person filing the
grievance may seek redress at the next level in the administrative hierarchy within ten (10)
working days following the written decision by the level of review. If the grievance is not
resolved at the Office of Academic Affairs’ level, the grievance, with all supporting documents