1D003W – MAY 2012
Repayment Financial Circumstances Form
Please read this
before you start
Personal details
Q4 note: Please give your house
number, street, suburb, and town
or city.
A house number could include:
street number
re number
RAPID number
emergency services number.
Q5 note: Mailing address includes:
street address
postal box (PO Box)
rural delivery details
C/O address.
Q2 note: Give any other names that
you use now or have used in the
past (including your maiden name).
1. What is your name?
First name(s) Surname or family name
2. Are you known by or have you used any other names?
No Yes
Please give details below:
3. What is your date of birth?
Day Month Year
4. Where do you live?
Flat/house no. Street name
Suburb City
5. What is your mailing address (if different from above)?
If you live at a rural address please include your rural delivery details here:
If you are unable to afford to pay the standard repayment rate on the amount you owe us,
please use this form to provide us with more information about the amount you may be able
to repay. If we accept your proposal, we will conrm the arrangement with you.
After completing this form, please send to:
Collections Unit
PO Box 19236
Hamilton 3244
Or email to collections_unit@msd.govt.nz
Why we are collecting
this information
Because you owe money to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), we need to collect this
information to determine your nancial circumstances.
The Privacy Act requires us to tell you that:
the information you give is is collected under the authority of the legislation administered
by MSD
the information will be held by MSD
you can contact MSD to access and correct any personal information we hold about you.
You are not required to give us information, but if you do not give us all the information
we ask for we can issue notices under Section 11 of the Social Security Act 1964 to other
people requiring them to provide the information. They are legally required to give it and
there may be consequences if they don’t (eg an application for a benet may be declined if
the information is required to determine eligibility for it).
In asking you for this information, we are following the Code of Conduct for Obtaining Informa-
tion under Section 11 of the Social Security Act 1964. If you want to see a copy of the Code, you
can ring MSD on 0800 558 008 or visit our website at:
D003W – MAY 20122
D003W – OCT 2010
Personal details
– continued
6. How can we contact you?
Work phone Home phone Mobile phone
Email Fax
7. Do you have dependent children in your care?
No Yes
If YES, how many?
8. Do you have a partner?
No Yes
Q8 note: A partner is your spouse
(husband or wife), your civil union
partner, or a person of the same or
opposite sex with whom you have
a de facto relationship.
9. Are you self-employed?
No Yes
Go to Question 16
10. Are you currently working?
Go to Question 16 Yes
11. What is the name of the business you work for?
12. Where is the business located?
Street number Street name
Suburb City
13. What is the postal address?
PO Box no. Suburb City
14. What is the name of your employer/payroll ofcer?
15. How can we contact your employer/payroll ofcer?
Work phone Fax Mobile phone
D003W – OCT 2010
3D003W – MAY 2012
Q18 note: Examples of cash assets:
money in bank or savings
money lent to other people or
money in Bonus Bonds, shares,
debentures or government stock.
Q19 note: Examples of non-cash
leisure boats
land or buildings other than your
home, eg holiday homes.
You may be required to show proof
of these details.
18. Do you and/or your partner have any cash assets?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of asset You Your partner Jointly owned
$ $ $
$ $ $
$ $ $
$ $ $
$ $ $
19. Do you and/or your partner have any non-cash assets?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of asset Total value Money owing
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
Q20 note: Examples of weekly costs
child support payments
weekly debt payments
childcare/school costs
superannuation scheme payments.
You may be required to show proof
of these costs.
20. Do you and/or your partner have regular weekly costs?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of costs How much
Total $
Q17 note: Examples of income include:
wages or salary
accident compensation
farm or business income (include
self employment
interest from savings or investments
dividends from shares
income from rents
redundancy or termination type
Child Support
maintenance payments
income from boarders
Student Allowance, scholarship or
Student Loan living cost payments
any other income, eg family trusts,
overseas payments
New Zealand Superannuation.
Give gross (before tax) amount.
You may need to provide proof of
this income.
16. How much is your weekly wage after tax? $
17. Do you and/or your partner have any other income?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
How often
Source (eg name of employer) You Your partner (eg weekly, fornightly etc)
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
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D003W – OCT 2010
Expenses – continued
Q21 note: Examples of monthly costs
power, gas, wood
phone, cellphone, internet, etc
pay television
credit card and store card payments
monthly debt payments including hire
purchase, car, personal loans, etc
bank fees
medical costs (eg, doctor, chemist,
dentist, optician)
rental of appliances (eg, computer, TV,
washing machine).
You may be required to show proof of
these costs.
Q22 note: Examples of yearly costs
council and water rates
insurance premiums
vehicle costs (eg, registration, WOF)
clothing and footwear
household goods.
You may be required to show proof of
these costs.
21. Do you and/or your partner have regular monthly costs?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of costs How much
Total $
22. Do you and/or your partner have regular yearly costs?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of costs How much
Total $
Q23 note: Examples of liabilities include:
unpaid bills
store card balances
credit card balances
Child Support arrears
Work and Income debt
outstanding rent or Housing
New Zealand debt
outstanding nes
hire purchases
bank/nance company loans.
You may be required to show proof of
these costs.
23. Do you and/or your partner have any liabilities?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
Type of liability Final payment date Balance owing
/ / $
/ / $
/ / $
/ / $
/ / $
/ / $
/ / $
Total $
Q24–26 note: These are orders made
by the Ofcial Assignee. The orders
mean that your debt(s) are managed
by them in specic ways.
24. Are you and/or your partner under the No Asset Procedure?
No Yes
25. Do you and/or your partner have a Summary Instalment Order?
No Yes
26. Are you or your partner currently bankrupt?
No Yes
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5D003W – MAY 2012
Repayment details
Q27 note: You must make either a:
lump sum payment
regular weekly, fortnightly or
monthly payment, or
combination of both.
27. How much can you afford to pay? $
28. How often will you pay?
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
29. What will be the date of your rst payment?
Day Month Year
30. How will you pay?
Automatic payment Deduction from wages
Internet banking Cash/cheque at NZ Post
Benet deduction
31. Would you like any part of this payment credited to any amount your partner owes us?
No Yes
How much do you want to pay? $
What is your partner’s client number?
32. Is there anything else we need to know to support your proposal?
No Yes
Please provide details below:
I conrm that:
The information I have supplied is true and complete.
I have reviewed my nancial situation and can afford these repayments.
I don’t have any money available to make the repayment in full.
A signature is not required if this
form is being sent by email.
Name (print) Client’s signature
Day Month Year