Repayment Assistance Plan Application | Alberta Student Loans Only Last revised March 202
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Repayment Assistance Plan
Eligibility Requirements
1. Your Alberta student loan must be in repayment status. You may be required to provide additional supporting documentation
as proof of all income reported in Section 3 in order to determine eligibility for the Repayment Assistance Plan.
2. If you have outstanding interest that you have not paid, you can choose to add it to your principal (capitalize), if you have
not previously used this option. You may only capitalize up to 3 months of interest to the principal of your loan.
3. You may be restricted from future nancial assistance if you provide false or misleading information, including by omission.
Contact Information: If you need help completing this application or have other questions concerning your student loans, call:
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
Toll Free in North America: 1-855-606-2096
Toll Free outside of North America: Dial the international access code + 800-2-529-9242
TTY for the Hearing Impaired: 1-855-306-2240
This Repayment Assistance Plan application is for your Alberta student loan only. If you are approved for the Repayment Assistance
Plan, your loan payment terms will be altered during your approved period. Your monthly payment amount will be reduced to an
affordable payment that will never exceed 20% of your gross family income, and may be reduced to a zero payment amount. During
an approved period of the Repayment Assistance Plan, all payments will be applied to your principal rst. If you are not approved,
you will remain responsible for making your regular loan payments in accordance with your payment terms.
Periods of Assistance: The Repayment Assistance Plan is available in 6 month blocks of time (to a maximum of 180 months)
at any point during your loan repayment period.
Re-Application: At the end of your 6 month term, if you wish to continue with the Repayment Assistance Plan, you must re-apply.
If not, you are responsible for making your regular payments in accordance with your payment terms. At the end of your approval
period, you will return to your regular payment schedule, but your amoritzation period may be extended.
Restrictions: If you are approved for the Repayment Assistance Plan, you may be subject to restrictions if you fail to make all your
affordable payments by the end of the month following your 6 month approved period. A restriction will prevent you from obtaining
further loans and grants until you have fully paid your existing student and/or apprentice loans.
Further details on restrictions are available in the Alberta Student Aid Operational Policy Manual on the Student Aid website:
• studentaid.alberta.ca/student-aid-policy
Date and Signature: You must sign and date your application and ensure that Alberta Student Aid receives it within 40 days
of your signature date. You will receive the result of your application electronically in your secure MyLoan account:
• https://myloan.studentaid.alberta.ca
Privacy Notice: Advanced Education is collecting this personal information under the authority of sections 33(a) and (c) of the
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) to determine and verify your eligibility for financial assistance and
to administer and enforce student financial assistance programs in accordance with the Student Financial Assistance Act
(Alberta), as may be amended from time to time. The use and disclosure of your personal information is managed in accordance
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta).
If you have any questions about the collection of this information, call:
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre
Toll Free in North America: 1-855-606-2096
Toll Free outside of North America: Dial the inter
national access code + 800-2-529-9242
TTY for the Hearing Impaired: 1-855-306-2240
Or, mail your questions to:
Alberta Student Aid Service Centre, Executive Customer Assistance Department
PO Box 4050, Mississauga Stn A
Mississauga ON L5A 4M9.
Participation in the Repayment Assistance Plan is voluntary. Refusal to pr
ovide your personal information will make you ineligible
for any assistance under the Repayment Assistance Plan.