Rental of all or a portion of a home as a short-term rental by a homeowner to any patron is allowed as provided by
Title 3, Chapter 31 of the Burnsville City Code and following issuance of a City permit. Permits expire at the end of
each calendar year and require an application fee of $55 for each permit request.
Only the principal structure or a portion of a principal structure located on property that is classified and
maintained as homestead under state law is eligible for short-term home rental
Property owners must notify any neighbors abutting to the side, rear or across the street from their property at the
time of permit application and prior to making their property available for short-term rental
Property must have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in each bedroom or sleeping area and the
owner must provide the patron renting the property with information regarding emergency egress
The property owner must pay all federal, state and local taxes, including local lodging tax under Title 3, Chapter
22 of this Code.
Property Information
Address of Short-Term Rental Property _______________________________ Parcel ID No. ___________________
Unit Type (choose one): Single Family Townhome Condominium
Property Owner Contact Information
Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________ City_____________________ State______ Zip____________
Email _________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________
Owner has notified all neighbors abutting to the side, rear, or across the street from the short-term rental property
Yes No
Short-term rental unit has working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in each bedroom or sleeping area and that
information is available within the unit to transient guests regarding emergency egress Yes No
Owner has read the City of Burnsville Short-Term Home Rental Best Practices handout Yes No
All permits expire on Dec. 31 of the year issued. I hereby agree to abide by all regulations and other applicable codes,
ordinances and policies of the City of Burnsville. Applications will not be accepted without the required permit fee. Make
checks payable to the City of Burnsville. Return the completed application and fee to:
City of Burnsville, Licensing and Code Enforcement | 100 Civic Center Parkway, Burnsville, Minn. 55337
_________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Applicant Signature Date
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