Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Agreement
(Adopted 8/17/20)
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In most cases, Wittenberg University employees are expected to work on the physical campus. However, a remote
work arrangement may be a viable alternative. In some instances, such as a health crisis, remote work may
become an expectation for some positions. In all situations in which remote work is considered, physical office
spaces must be appropriately staffed in order to effectively pursue our educational mission.
Remote work allows an employee to work all or part of the work week from a location other than campus, such as
a home office or while traveling. Remote work is an alternative that may be appropriate for some employees and
some positions. It is not a University-wide benefit, and does not change the University’s employment terms and
conditions. Employees working remotely are subject to all University policies and procedures, regardless of work
Additionally, the following provisions must be adhered to:
Productive work is expected of remote workers and is not to be considered a substitute for childcare or
other dependent care;
Acceptable attendance requirements and tracking methods must be utilized;
Expectations regarding communication, deliverables and measuring productivity must be established wit
ur supervisor;
The appropriate use of necessary equipment and supplies, including electronic hardware, software, and
evices must be determined;
Great care must be taken to ensure security of all institutional documents, reports, records a
New funds will not be added to accommodate remote work, whether through additional hours or throug
he purchase of new equipment by the University;
Annual review (at minimum) of the remote work arrangement.
Human Resources will provide additional guidance to employees and supervisors upon request regarding remote
work options and agreements.
Remote Work Guidelines/Procedures
In considering an employee’s request for a remote work arrangement, all parties must ensure that core hours
and/or periods of high-volume activity (as determined by University and department leadership) are appropriately
staffed, whether on the physical campus, through an online presence, or a combination. During these times,
university and/or department leadership may require that employees permitted to work remotely report to work
on campus.
An employee seeking a remote work arrangement must submit a written request to their supervisor outlining the
rationale for the remote work request, a plan for meeting the responsibilities of their position, proposed work
schedule and location, and the proposed start and end date of the remote work period.
- Considerations for evaluating remote work requests:
o Every proposal must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis including, but not limited to, a
discussion between the supervisor and employee regarding the reasons for the request and the
needs of the employee’s department. When evaluating the request, the following factors must
be considered:
Operational needs of the department and the university, including the potential impact
on students, faculty, staff, visitors, etc.
Ability for the department to maintain appropriate staffing levels, particularly during
core hours and periods of high-volume activity.
Impact on students, other employees within the department, and other employees who
may work regularly with the department.
Employee’s past performance.
Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Agreement (continued)
(Adopted 8/17/20)
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o Remote work arrangements must be piloted for a brief period (generally 30 days) prior to long-
term approval. The designated pilot period allows the employee, supervisor and senior staff the
opportunity to re-evaluate the arrangement considering all factors set forth in the Remote Work
Policy. Based on the results of the pilot period evaluation, and with approval of the area senior
staff member, the Remote Work Agreement will be implemented for the designated time period,
modified, or terminated.
o When considering an employee’s request for a remote work arrangement, the supervisor will
consider the following questions:
Does the position have clearly defined work that can be accomplished off-site?
Are there position requirements that cannot be met from an off-site location?
Can the employee’s productivity be measured effectively through off-site supervision?
Will the department continue to meet its standards for service and staff availability?
Does the employee proposing the remote work arrangement have a demonstrated
record of strong time management skills and satisfactory, at minimum, independent
work performance?
Are there effective methods for communicating between the employee and supervisor?
What is the necessary frequency and schedule expected for the employee to work on-
site (including meetings with the supervisor, colleagues, students, and other
How will the proposed remote work arrangement affect cross-training initiatives, team-
based approaches, and other strategies?
What are expectations for the employee’s availability during the workday?
- Approval of a Remote Work Agreement:
o Upon receipt of a remote work request, the supervisor will discuss the request with the
employee, including the above considerations.
o The supervisor will discuss the request with the appropriate senior staff member. Human
esources is available to consult with supervisors and senior staff regarding requests.
o If approved, the employee, supervisor, and senior staff member will complete and sign a Remot
ork Agreement. All parties and Human Resources will receive a copy of the signed Remote
Work Agreement.
o If the request is not approved, the supervisor will inform the employee and Human Resources o
he reasons for the decision.
- M
odifying or Terminating a Remote Work Agreement:
o Once approved, an employee may not modify the Remote Work Agreement without the written
consent of their supervisor and senior staff member. Any modifications will be specified in
writing and provided to Human Resources.
o A supervisor may modify an approved Agreement if they, and the appropriate senior staff
member, determines that such modification will better meet the current needs of the
department and/or University. Any modifications will be specified in writing and provided to
Human Resources.
o If a supervisor determines that the remote work arrangement is no longer consistent with the
department’s obligations, or if the performance of the employee is not meeting performance
expectations, the supervisor may terminate the Agreement in consultation with the area senior
staff member and Human Resources.
If a Remote Work Agreement is terminated, the supervisor must provide written notice
to the employee. The supervisor may allow a notice period of up to 30 days for
terminating the remote work arrangement. All documentation must be provided to
Human Resources for the employee’s file.
Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Agreement (continued)
(Adopted 8/17/20)
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- Benefits and Applicable Employment Laws:
o Employees working under a Remote Work Agreement will be entitled to the same University
benefits as though they are working on-site. Leave time must be submitted based on the
hours/days the employee is scheduled to work.
o All remote work arrangements are subject to applicable employment laws, including, but not
limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Ohio state employment law, and Ohio Workers’
Compensation Law.
o Wittenberg University’s insurance coverage protecting its property will not cover any personal
property that is used in a remote work location (including an employee’s home). Further,
Wittenberg University’s insurance will only cover university equipment brought to a define
emote work location if it has been listed on the Remote Work Agreement.
Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Agreement (continued)
(Adopted 8/17/20)
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Remote Work Agreement
mployee Name: Email:_____________________________________
Mobile/Home Phone: Job Title: ________
Department: Supervisor:
Remote work begin date: End date: Ongoing?:
REMOTE WORK DUTIES -- Please attach a current and approved position description and identify duties that may
be performed while working remotely. This can include a statement that all duties may be performed while
working remotely.
Home Full Home address:
Other Address of location:
This Agreement begins on and continues until
OR Indefinite
Work start time
Work end time
For overtime-eligible employees only: I understand that I must report all hours worked and that overtime requires supervisor pre-approval even
when a flexible work arrangements exists. Employee initials if applicable
FOLLOW UP PLAN TO ASSESS SUCCESS OF THIS AGREEMENT (example: weekly check-ins, be specific)
The employee will use the following forms of communication while working remotely (check all that apply):
University email / Phone Teams/Skype Other:
If university-owned equipment will be used by the employee at the remote work location, the employee must
complete any applicable forms related to accepting responsibility for the equipment from Information Technology
Services or other applicable department. A signed copy of the form(s) must be attached to this agreement.
Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Agreement (continued)
(Adopted 8/17/20)
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The decision to approve this agreement is made at the university’s discretion.
All of the employee’s obligations, responsibilities, and terms and conditions of employment with the University
remain unchanged, except those specifically changed by this agreement. The university is not responsible for
providing any financial assistance to facilitate any remote work arrangement, except as specifically outlined in this
agreement. Personal tax implications related to the remote work location shall be the employee’s responsibility.
Revisions to this Agreement must be in writing and approved by both the supervisor and appropriate senior staff
member. Any revision that is not in writing is not enforceable.
Remote Work Agreements are subject to ongoing review. The University may terminate the Agreement at any time
based on performance concerns, organizational needs, or failure to follow any of the requirements of the
Agreement. The University is not responsible for any costs incurred by the employee resulting from termination of
this Agreement. The university’s failure or delay in enforcing any requirement of this Agreement is not a waiver of
that requirement or any other, and such requirement may be enforced at any time.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I received a copy of, read, and understand the Remote Work Policy,
Procedures, and Remote Work Agreement, and agree to abide by all requirements therein. I agree that, among
other requirements, I am responsible for maintaining the hours specified in this agreement, observing wage and
hour provisions as they apply, furnishing and maintaining my remote worksite in a safe manner, employing
appropriate security and confidentiality measures for university files, data, and other information, and
complying with all other policies of the university. I agree to allow the university to inspect my designated
remote work location at mutually agreed-upon times to ensure that safe and secure working conditions exist. I
further agree to provide access to my work site by any agent of the university to conduct post-accident or other
investigations as necessary.
Employee Name Employee Signature Date
Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date
Area Senior Staff Name Area Senior Staff Signature Date
For Human Resources use only
Date Received by HR
Received by (HR rep)