Authorization to Release Information FAQs
Why should I sign this release?
Circumstances often arise where a student may want a parent, relative, or another individual to discuss with the Registrar, or
College designee, information regarding their academic records. The Registrar, or College designee, will accept a Release of
Information from a student consenting to release information from their academic records to an individual named by the student.
Please note that the Release of Information does not allow the authorized person to initiate or complete transactions or serve as a
representative on their behalf.
What are academic records?
Academic records are records that contain information that is directly related to a student. Academic records are maintained by
an education agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. Academic records may include, but are not
limited to, advising file notes, CBC transcripts, Financial Aid information, scholarship awards, class schedules, student account/
billing information, student employment related information, class attendance, class progress reports/information, grades,
placement scores, disability services records, etc. Please note that personal counseling records are not covered under the FERPA
rules and a separate release form must be obtained from the Counselor of record.
How do I implement the release?
Bring the completed release form and your photo ID (i.e.: driver’s license) to the Hawk Central oce during normal business
hours. The release must be signed in the presence of a Hawk Central employee. A challenge question and response must be
completed so that sta can verify each time the authorized person requests information. You must inform the authorized person
of the challenge question and the response that you selected.
How will the release be used?
Once the release has been received, the individual(s) listed may call or visit the Registrar, or College designee, to ask questions
regarding your academic records. The individual must inform the Registrar, or College designee, that a release form is on file. Prior
to releasing any information, the Registrar, or College designee, will verify with the individual their name, the student’s date of
birth, student’s identification or social security number, and the answer to the challenge question.
May I rescind this release?
The Release of Information will remain in eect for two years from the signature date, or until the indicated expiration date, or if
the student revokes it in writing. To rescind this release, please send a written statement to Student Records that includes your:
Full name
Date of birth
Student ID
Statement to rescind the request (please include an eective date)
Name of the individual who no longer will have access to your educational records
Signature and date
Where do I submit this release?
Please return in person with your photo ID (ie: driver’s license) to:
H Building, Hawk Central
Pasco Campus
What if I have additional questions?
Sta is available to answer your questions during normal business hours. Hawk Central is located in the H building of the
Columbia Basin College Pasco campus.
Revised 8/2019
We are temporarily unable to accept this form 'In Person' while our campuses operate
remotely. Please submit the completed form and a copy of your photo ID (eg. driver's license)
from your CBC student email to