Release for Letter of Recommendation
Instructions for Faculty and Staff: This form may be used when a student requests you, as a school
official, to write a letter of recommendation. A signed release is necessary to document written consent
from the student. Student consent should include: (1) a description of the information to be disclosed,
(2) to whom the information will be disclosed, and (3) the student’s signature and date.
. If a letter of
recommendation contains non-directory information;
A written release is recommended for letters sent to other educational institutions in which
the student seeks to enroll, including professional school admission services.
A written release is required for general letters of recommendation sent to an employer or
for any other purpose.
Examples of non-directory information include: disciplinary status, GPA,
UFID or social
security number, grades/exam scores and standardized test scores.
Instructions for Students: Complete, sign and return to the faculty or staff member.
I give my permission to __________________________________ (Faculty or Staff Member Name) to
write a letter of recommendation and/or to provide an oral reference to:
o All persons or entities listed here: ___________________________.
I give my permission for ____________________________ (Faculty or Staff Member Name) to include the
following non-directory information in this letter of recommendation or oral reference:
o Any information on my UF transcript including my grades and courses taken.
o Any information on the attached curriculum vitae or résumé.
o Any information included in my attached personal statement.
o Any educational and other records to which the recommender has (or has had) access in making
academic and/or employee evaluations and decisions, (including but not limited to examinations,
essays, terms papers, teaching evaluations, graduate committee evaluations, and so forth.)
o Other (please specify)
I hereby
o Waive
o Do Not Waive
my right to review this recommendation letter or to know the contents of any
oral communication .
Student’s Name (please print) __________________________________________ UFID: _______________
(Optional) Student’s Phone: _____________________________ Student’s Email: _________________________
Student’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Return to: Office of the University Registrar via the Secure Document Upload at
Office of the University Registrar, PO Box 114000, Gainesville, FL 32611-4000
click to sign
click to edit