Details of ownership
Complete this page if there have been any changes in the structure of the company since
the last submission to the New Jersey State Board of Architects.
Designation:* D = Director M = Manager or Member O = Ofcer
P = Principal Stockholder A = All designations
Please specify if more than one designation is applicable.
Name and address (and title if any) *Desig. Number of shares
of each ofcer, director, manager
and principal stockholders. Owned Percent New Jersey license number Signature
Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.
Total shares issued Issued: ____________________
and outstanding. Outstanding: _______________
I certify that I am familiar with the
laws and regulations governing the
practice of architecture in New
Je rs ey. I a m aware t h a t th e
Certicate of Authorization may be
revoked if any agent, employee,
director or ofcer of the corporation
or manager or member of a limited
liability company violates or causes
to be violated any provisions of those
laws or regulations.
RA _________________ PP ________________
PE _________________ LA ________________
LS _________________ ID ________________
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LS _________________ ID ________________
RA _________________ PP ________________
PE _________________ LA ________________
LS _________________ ID ________________
In accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:27-4.8(d), the L.L.C. or corporation and its
licensees have a continuing duty to inform the Board within 30 days of any
change in the information that was originally provided to the Board.
Signature of licensee in-responsible-charge