Reinstate Suspended Graduate Program: See EM 13-057
Program Name: __________________________________
Program named above is (complete only if applicable):
___ Option within
(Degree program name)
___ Certificate
Attach a rationale for program reinstatement summarizing actions taken to improve the
program and the outcomes leading to reinstatement. Include original suspension plan and
timeline if available.
Required Signatures
The Department of
has reviewed and approved this program reinstatement.
Chair, Department Curriculum Committee Date
Department Chair Date
The College of
has reviewed and approved this program reinstatement.
Chair, College Curriculum Committee Date
College Dean Date
The Office of Graduate Studies has reviewed and approved this reinstatement
Dean of Graduate Studies
Send signature page with rationale attached to Curriculum Services at zip 128
The proposal to reinstate will be submitted to EPPC for approval. EPPC will notify the Provos
of its recommendations. Upon approval of the program reinstatement, notice will be sent to
students, advisors, units, and agencies involved in advising or providing information regarding
programs on this campus.