Registration to Offer or Sell Membership Camping Contracts
Name of membership campground operator:
Address of primary office:
State: ZIP Code:City:
Address of principal place of business:
Phone Number:
Campground Operator Information
ZIP Code:
Form of organization:
Place of organization:Date of organization:
City:Location 1 Address:
Location 2 Name:
Location 2 Address:
ZIP Code:
Provide the name, principal occupation, address and of the membership campground operator (if an individual) or of each person with a controlling
interest of 25% or more in the organization as of the thirty (30) days preceding the fling of this application.
First Name Last Name Occupation Street Address City State ZIP % Interest
Location 1 Name:
ZIP Code:
Name and Address of Each Office in Iowa (use additional pages, if necessary)
City:Location 3 Address:
Location 3 Name:
ZIP Code:
First Name Last Name Title Street Address City State ZIP
List all affiliates of the campground operator, including officers and directors.
Print Form
Campground Information
Amenity Existing Planned Location Date of Completion Estimated Cost
List all existing and planned amenities represented to be available for use by buyers
Name of Campground:
Describe the campground operator's ownership of or other right to use the campground properties or facilities represented to be available for use by
buyers, including the duration of any lease, real estate contract, license, franchise, reciprocal agreement or other agreement. If the operator's interest
is anything other than a fee interest, a copy of the lease, real estate contract, license, franchise or other agreement must be submitted with this
Provide the following information for each campground owned or operated by the campground operator and available for use by buyers. Use additional
sheets if necessary.
Describe any material encumbrance for this property (liens, mortgages, etc).
Describe any and all material provisions in the above agreements that restrict a buyer's use of the property.
If a blanket encumbrance materially adversely affects the campground, provide a legal description of the encumbrance and proof of the protection for
buyers required by the nondisturbance provisions of Iowa Code Section 557B.12
State the policies relating to availability of campsites and whether reservations are required.
Describe any reciprocal agreements allowing purchasers to use campsites, facilities, or other properties owned or operated by any person other than the
campground operator with whom the buyer has entered into a membership camping contract.
Total number of membership camping contracts to be sold in Iowa:
Describe the method used to determine number of contracts to be sold:
Camping Contract Information
Describe all payments required under a membership camping contract, including initial fees, any further fees, charges, or assessments and any
provisions for changing the payments.
Describe any and all restraints on the transfer of membership camping contracts, including a complete description of any resale agreement or policy.
Describe any grounds for forfeiture of a buyer's membership camping contract.
The following documents must be submitted with this application. Please ensure all required documents are enclosed to avoid unnecessary delays or
denial of this application.
Required Documents Checklist
Document Details
$200.00 Initial Registration
Applications submitted without the registration fee will not be considered. Checks should be made payable to
the State of Iowa.
Articles of Incorporation or
partnership agreement
Copies of all current articles and agreements related to the campground operator.
Campground articles, rules,
restrictions, covenants, or
A copy or summary of all rules, restrictions, covenants or bylaws that regulate a buyer's use of the campground
and facilities must be included with this application.
Statement regarding
changes to campground
covenants, bylaws, etc.
A written statement addressing whether and how the submitted rules, restrictions, bylaws, etc. regulating a
buyer's use of the campground may be changed.
Statement regarding number
of membership campground
contracts to be sold in Iowa
A statement from the campground operator indicating that the number of contracts sold in Iowa will not
exceed the number submitted in this application unless disclosed in an amendment to this registration.
Membership camping
A copy of each contract to be offered or sold in Iowa. Must state the purchase price for each type and reasons
for any variation in contract price.
All instruments requiring
buyer's signature
Copies of all documents requiring a buyer's signature must be submitted with this application.
Disclosure Statement
A copy of the disclosure statement required by Iowa Code Section 557B.8 must be included in application
Audited Financial Statement
An audited financial statement of the membership campground operator for the most recent fiscal year
prepared by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting
Unaudited Financial
An unaudited financial statement of the campground operator for the most recent fiscal quarter prepared by an
independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
WARNING: The use of false or misleading information or concealment of material facts in this application or the failure to file timely amendments are
grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of registration and/or for the imposition of a fine or not more than $5,000.00 and constitutes a violation of
the Iowa Consumer Fraud Act, Iowa Code Section 714.16.
Note: All information and documentation provided as part of this registration, including this form are public records and all or some may be open to
public inspection pursuant to the Iowa public records law, Iowa Code chapter 22, and the Iowa Attorney General's Administrative Rules relating to public
records, 61 IAC chapter 2.
Notices and Disclosures
This application must be signed by the membership campground operator or an officer or general partner of the campground operator, or by another
person holding a power of attorney for this purpose from the campground operator.
If signed by a corporate officer other than the president, a copy of the corporate resolution authorizing the officer to sign documents in the name of the
corporation must be included with the application.
If signed pursuant to power of attorney, a copy of the power of attorney must be included with the application.
Signature of owner, officer or partner
Printed Name:
Submit completed form and supporting documents to:
Iowa Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
Attn: Notification & Fees Administrator
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319