State Instructions
state issued personal identication
card or a social security number,
please write "NONE" on the form.
A unique identifying number will
be assigned by the State.
7. Choice of Party. A "choice of
party" is not required for voter
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
9. Signature. To register in
Michigan you must:
• be a citizen of the United States
• be 18 years old by the next
• be a resident of Michigan and at
least a 30 day resident of your city
or township by election day
• not be conned in a jail aer
being convicted and sentenced
Notice: Michigan law requires that
the same address be used for voter
registration and driver license
purposes. erefore, if the residence
address you provide on this form
diers from the address shown
on a driver license or personal
identication card issued by the
State of Michigan, the Secretary
of State will automatically change
your driver license or personal
identication card address to match
the residence address entered on
this form. If an address change is
made, the Secretary of State will
mail you an address update sticker
for your driver license or personal
identication card.
Caution: If you register by mail,
you must vote in person at your
assigned precinct the rst time you
vote, unless you are:
• disabled as dened by state law;
• 60 years of age or older; or
• temporarily residing overseas.
Mailing address:
Michigan Department of State
Bureau of Elections
P.O. Box 20126
Lansing, MI 48901‑0726
Updated: 12-31-2008
Registration Deadline —
Delivered by 5:00 p.m. 21 days
before the election (there is also
election day registration at polling
6. ID Number. You are required
to provide your Minnesota driver’s
license or state ID number to
register to Vote. If you do not have
a Minnesota driver’s license or state
ID then you will have to provide
the last four digits of your social
security number. If you have neither,
please write “none” on the form.
7. Choice of Party. Leave blank.
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
9. Signature. To register in
Minnesota you must:
• be a citizen of the United States
• be a resident of Minnesota for 20
days before the next election
• maintain residence at the address
given on the registration form
• be at least 18 years old on
election day
• if previously convicted of a felony,
your felony sentence has expired or
been completed, or you have been
discharged from the sentence
• not be under a court‑ordered
guardianship in which the right to
vote has been revoked
• not be found by a court to be
legally incompetent to vote.
Mailing address:
Secretary of State
60 Empire Drive, Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55103‑1855
Updated: 05-07-2010
Registration Deadline — 30 days
before the election.
6. ID Number. You are required
to provide your current and valid
driver's license number or, if you
don’t have one, the last four digits
of your social security number.
7. Choice of Party. Mississippi
does not have party registration.
erefore, you do not have to
register with a party if you want to
take part in that party’s primary
election, caucus, or convention.
8. Race or Ethnic Group. Leave
9. Signature. To register in
Mississippi you must:
• be a citizen of the United States
• have lived in Mississippi and in
your county (and city, if applicable)
30 days before the election in
which you want to vote
• be 18 years old by the time of the
general election in which you want
to vote
• have not been convicted of
murder, rape, bribery, the, arson,
obtaining money or goods under
false pretense, perjury, forgery,
embezzlement, armed robbery,
extortion, felony bad check, felony
shopliing, larceny, receiving
stolen property, robbery, timber
larceny, unlawful taking of a motor
vehicle, statutory rape, carjacking,
or bigamy, or have had your rights
restored as required by law
• not have been declared mentally
incompetent by a court